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Christmas holidays had approached and everyone rushed around 8n kingscross

"So I'll owl you the details.....I love you" James said kissing Lily before disappearing through the crowd

Sirius stood outside the barrier talking to Euphemia

''Oh no no no!! This is full on all the way kinda thing"

"What's all the way??"

"You and Evans-

"Why didn't you tell me!?!" Euphemia asked

"Can we get home first??"

Sirius shuffled before nodding and tugging at his collar

"I'll see you guys for dinner tomorrow" he said making Euphemia sigh

"You can always move back in" she said but Sirius shook his head

"I'm a big boy Mia I'll be fine" he said as he waved and turned to his heel

"You want to try apparating??"

"You sure I don't want to splinch you mum"

"Nonsense C'mon now"

With a pop the two Potter's stood in front of Potter manor

"See you got this once you get your license your all grown up" Euphemia said as they walked into Potter manor


Lily paced nervously while holding a letter in her hand

''Oh my God!! Just send the damn thing anyway!!"

She turned around to see Petunia leaning against the doorframe

''What he doesn't show?? Or if it's too earl-

"Oh for fucks sake!!" Petunia huffed and grabbed the letter from Lily's hand

Dear James
I hope your well it's be awhile....but we had an agreement and I wanted to check if we were still on for dinner

Anyway write me back when you can


"Pathetic!! I thought this James guy was a popular know the classic jock falls for nerd they date for awhile and then they break-up because he was actually trying to get back with his ex popular bitchy girlfriend but then he realizes he's in love with the nerd and they love happily ever after"

Lily tilted her head to the side and looked at her sister

"Do better Where's the romance or the letter sex?? I thought this guy was good i mean he had to be for Mary to or are give herself to him....or are you too coward and maybe you only had sex once.....I mean your you so I guess it must be bad" Petunia said and looked at Lily with a raised eyebrow

Lily narrowed her eyes before grabbing a pen and paper

"I'm am not a coward and it takes two to tango and from the reactions I have got I'am perfectly good at sex!"

Dear James

Hope everyone at home's doing well love to everyone 

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