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Lily woke up with the urge to throw up a sick feeling in her stomach.......James spent the night in Harry's nursery so she didn't have to be quite this had been happening for a while now Lily knew what was wrong with her but she was afraid to acknowledge it until she wasn't

Walking down the hallway she peered through the nursery door to see James and Harry asleep on the floor she smiled softly at them before continuing down the hall

Lily didn't have anyone to find comfort in Marlene was gone so was Docras and no one had heard from Mary in months

So Lily went to the one place she knew the door opened and revealed a mess of untidy black curls and a almost naked Sirius Balck

"What the hell Evans!! Are you trying to get yourself killed!! it's like 2 in the morning your here all alone!! It's fucking rain for Godric's sake!!"  Sirius yelled as he grabbed her arm pulling her into his apartment before continuing his rant

"Your a mother and you know that everyone's after you-

Sirius cut himself off when he noticed the look on his friends face

"You okay Evans??" He asked softly as Lily shook her head

"I didn't know where else to go" Lily said her hands trembling as Sirius hugged her


"4 minutes!! How long is 4 bloody minutes!!" Sirius groaned as he paced around the apartment 

"I don't want the 4 minutes to be up" Lily said softly looking at her hands

"Evans you could possibly be pregnant again aren't you excited about it??"

"Of course I'am!! It's just it doesn't seem like the right time to have a kid in the middle of the war we're already knee deep in!!" Lily said with a sigh

"Look this is going to blow over Lil it is you and prongs and little are going to have your happy ever after the end I upon us" Sirius said softly placing his hand on Lily's shoulder

"What do I do till the end gets here??"

"We wait it out"

The timer went off and the two exchanged a glance

"I can't do it" Lily said Sirius nodded before picking up the test his expression unreadable

"Well!! Go on Black!! What is it!"

"It's positive......" Sirius said looking at her with her smile which she returned wiping tears away

"Do you want to know what it is??" Sirius asked


"I know a few spells" Sirius said shrugging


"Do you wanna know or not!!" Sirius said rolling his eyes

Lily nodded before hugging him with a chuckle


James paced the length of his front room , Lily was not there when he had woken up Harry was nibbling on some fruits while watching as his father walked around the room

Harry let out a laugh as James tripped over the carpet and landed on the floor with a trud

"Your a little shit!!" James said standing up looking over at a laughing Harry

"And you know what I'm not even mad about that" he said with a smile before flicking Harry's nose 

The door opened with a click getting their attention James grabbed his wand

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