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January 1980

Sirius Black
James Potter
Docras Meadows
Remus Lupin

It had been three years since they had graduated from hogwards and those three years had progressively become darker

As soon as Voldemort realized that the order had new recruits he had a hit out for them

James' parents had passed away three weeks after Lily and James' wedding

Lily hadn't been to the muggle world at all and for good reason

Three months ago Lily and James found out they were having a baby just as Dumbledore had spoke of a prohercy

Coincidently Alice said she was pregnant too they were all sent into hiding

The order was now barely a resistance many lives had been lost , Fabian and Gideon were ambushed by death eaters a month after the marauders joint the order

Marlene and her entire family were killed in July 1979

The McKinnon's were because of their mother's refusal to join the dark lord , they had gone into hiding but someone within the order had told the dark lord their location

The war was at it's peak and it was only getting worse

Lily paced hand over her now somewhat showing bump , she was worried about James and everyone else it had been three weeks

The door opening with a bang made her grab her wand and walk to the front door

A familiar figure walked through the door but Lily didn't move instead she held her wand out

"My favorite colour what is it??" She asked

" love the color white because it reminds you of innocence"

"James?" Lily whispered lowering her wand and reaching for the light switch

The lights came on revealing James who had tears stains running down his cheeks

Lily's heart rate had picked up the last time he looked like that Marlene was dead


James shook his head and walked up to her

"He got her Lil" he said softly

"He got Docras" he said and closes his eyes as he heard Lily's sobs

His arms wrapped around her and he pulled her closer holding her there


June 1980

Lily stood by James' side as they read the letter Dumbledore had sent them

"Godric's hallow??" Lily asked softly holding her now eight month pregnant belly

"Yes's the safest" Sirius said while Remus scoffed at the response

"Problem mate?!"

"Yes! Why should anyone trust you?? Your probably setting them up" Remus replied

"Cheap coming from you half breed!"

"Didn't take you long to switch to Prejudiced prick did it?"

"ENOUGH!" James yelled running a hand through his hair

"Look no one but us in the room knows about this and I don't care about what the two of you are arguing about now! My baby's the first thing that matters to me and if Dumbledore says Godric's hallow then that it is" he said before looking round the room

"Enough of this the negativity's not good for the baby how bout some tea??" Lily asked

"Actually I'm going to head home I have to do a few things for Albus" Remus said getting up

"Convenient" Sirius mumbled

Remus rolled his eyes and hugged Lily before he apperated

"Ow! Prongs!!"

"Why are bagging on moony??" James asked narrowing his eyes

"Well it's rather obvious isn't it?? Think about it how among us would most likely be a mole??"

"You can't mean Remus!! Sirius-

"Think about it Lil he's the only one who's not a witch! He's forgive for saying it but a wel-

"Halfbreed" Lily said softly making Sirius nod

"But it's Remus we're talking about! Padfoot I love you mate!! But turning on each other is not the best thing to do now" James said with a sigh

"I'm just saying be careful around him" Sirius said holding his hands up in surrender

"This place in Godric's hallow"

Bit of time skip

Hope you enjoy

Thanks for reading

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