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"Miss Evans and Mr Potter" The words echoed through the hall

Lily chocked on air and started coughing with Remus tapping her back and handing her some water

The hall was silent even half of the staff looked surprised everyone looked at Dumbledore like he had lost his head

"WOOO!!!" Sirius yelled and clapped his hands and everyone followed

"You okay??" Remus asked looking at Lily who looked like she had seen a ghost

Across the table and James blinked his eyes repeatedly maybe he heard it wrong

"Heads of house report to your housemaster's,Quittich captins will meet with Madam Hooch tomorrow and heads please follow me" Dumbledore said

"Go on!!" Marlene said and pushed Lily out of her chair

Lily got up and walked to the exit with footsteps behind her as she reached the stairs leading to Dumbledore's office she stumped up them ready to give him a peice of her mind

"Ahh Miss Evans,Mr Potter" Dumbledore greeted the

"Professor!!" Lily yelled causing the man to look at her in surprise

"You-i-i can't be head girl with him!!" She said pointing at James

"As much as I hate agreeing with her we'd kill each other in a matter of seconds!!" James said and crossed his arms over his chest

"And sir don't you think head boy should be someone responsible?? Like Remus??" James said and glared at the headmaster

"Mr Potter you were chosen because over the last two years we have seen a massive character improvement and the students trust you!! Your juniors admire you" Dumbledore said and looked at Lily

Lily paced and finally took a deep breath before speaking

''As much as I hate you!!!!" She said and pointed at James

"The old man's right" she mumbled

"And Miss Evans just like James your juniors adore you and you are the most academically achieved student and the both of you are exemplary role models" he said and looked at the pair

"You'll be sharing a common room your things are already there but I must beg of you do try and get on atleast in public" Dumbledore said looking at the two with a pleading look

After he told us about our rules and advantages we walked to our common room

"Hey Evans!! I'm not a bad guy huh??" James said running as he caught up with Lily

''Your far worse" Lily said and walked up the stairs she heard him sigh and then his footsteps

"Bumbling beezies" Lily  said and the portrait door opened

They walked into the room in awe it was the same as our Gryffindor common room except it was bigger and there were no stairs leading to the bedrooms instead were two steps and a corridor

Lily walked down the corridor at the end was the lavatory and two doors on either side

She looked at the door which had an L on it and opened the door it was the same scheme as the common room the bed in the middle two bookshelves,a desk and a window which overlooked the meadows

"Bloody hell" she turned around to see James leaning against the doorframe

"How's your room??" Lily asked

"Same as you except I'm overlooking the black lake" he said

The two of them just stood there looking at each other to the point it turned weird

"Uh Potter do y-

"Look Evans I genuinely don't have an issue with you never had and never will okay I know you loath me but I'm trying here" he said in a soft yet firm voice

"I don't loath you" lily said he sighed and walked into the room and stood in front of her

"Can we attempt to get along??" He asked and lily nodded

"I promise no funny business" he said and held his hand out

"Deal" she said and shook his hand

"Goodnight Evans" he said as he left the room

Lily closed her door and changed into my pajamas and crawled into bed and closed her eyes this was going to be a long year

''Shut up you idiot!!"

"Is this her room??"

"Yeah now zip it she's asleep"

Lily looked at the clock and it was 9:00 in the morning she hopped of bed and opened her room door following the voices to the common room

She stopped at the end of the corridor and huffed when she saw the marauders

"Morning Lily" Remus said

"Hi" she mumbled as she walked to the nearest armchair and fell into it

"You look charming this morning...cute pajamas" Sirius said she scowled at him

''Sod off Black" she said and buried her face into the cushion

"Well see you later prongs"

After few moments of shuffling and the door closing , James walked over to Lily and leaned over her

"Not really a morning person huh Evans??" He said into her ear

"Sod off Potter" she said and waved my arm around trying to swat him making him chuckle

"I got you breakfast" he said

"You did??"  Lily asked sitting up to look at him

"Yeah I got you chocolate muffins and tea" he said and held up the plate and mug from across the table

"Thanks" lily said walking and sitting across from him

"What did the boys think about the common room??"

"Well Pads said he would love to run through it, Moony said he likes the books and Pete said he liked the sofa" he said and chuckled

"I can't wait for the girls to see it"

"Look at that Evans we had a civil conversation and we're both alive" he said smiling at her taking a sip from his own mug


"I don't want to ruin this but if you don't mind me asking what did Snape want yesterday??" He asked

"He's been trying to get me alone to apologize it's too late for that like I said it was the last time I had anything to do with him" Lily said and looked at James who was looking back at her

It was the first time she noticed all the small details he had and just how brown his eyes were

"He doesn't deserve to have you as a friend or anything else" he said she shook my head an grabbed one of the muffins

"The chocolate chip ones!!! I love them!!"

"I know" he said she looked at him and his eyes widened

"Huh...." he stammered for a moment but then that smirk appeared on his face and he stood up

"I'm gonna get ready...." he said walking but stopped behind where she was sitting

"We might have a problem if you wear these shorts again" he whispered in her ear

Lily was blushing to the point she was matching her hair

"JAMES FLEAMONT POTTER!!!" She screeched he chuckled in response and disappeared down the corridor into his room

Leaving Lily alone with her thoughts which happened to be revolving around him

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