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Lily walked to the hospital wing as quick as she could but stopped when someone called her name

"Evans" she turned around to see Regulus walking her way


"I'm sorry to interrupt whatever you were doing but could you please pass this along to my brother" he said and handed her an envelope

"Um- yeah i- I will" she said took it from him and turned away but he grabbed her arm

"I wanted to apologize for what happened on the train it-it was un called for i-my home life isn't exactly a fairy tale and I took my temper out on you" he said and looked at the floor, Lily could only see a younger version of Sirius

"I know you don't like my kind but if you ever need to talk Regulus you can come to me.....I won't judge you on anything and I won't tell a soul about what you tell me" she said and his gaze shifted to me

"You don't even know me and your willing to show concern?"

"I don't know you.....but I know what your going through"

"Can- c- can I??" Regulus asked in a almost shy voice opening his arms

"Yeah" Lily said with a small smile and hugged him

"Thank you Lily....I may take you up on your offer"

"Anytime Regulus" she said and with that he walked down the corridor

Sirius and Regulus may be at odds but they care about each other even when their worlds apart

Maybe just maybe Regulus was having a change of heart

Lily walked into the hospital wing and saw James sitting in his bed his snitch flying around him

The sling on his right arm was taken off

"I was starting to think you wouldn't show" he said and looked at her with a lazy smile 

"I lost track of time" she said as she caught the snitch and sat down next to him

"I missed you Evans" he said and tilted his head to the side

"What were you up too today??" He asked

"The usual" she said and looked at him, his hair all over and his glasses tilted to one side

"What's that??" He asked pointing to the envelope Regulus gave her

"Um- just a letter from home" she said and he nodded

"What did you do the whole day??" She asked straightening his glasses

"Haha funny Evans" he said and rolled his eyes and even Lily  couldn't help but smile

"Jam- oh Lily good evening" Pomfrey said

"Evening poppy" lily said with a smile 

"James I got good news you can go" Pomfrey said with a smile

"Great" James said

"I'll wait outside" Lily  said and walked outside and up the stairs and leaned against the railing after about twenty minutes of idle daydreaming the doors opened and out walked James Potter

"You waited?" He asked and smile up at her

"Always Potter" she said ,  he chuckled and walked up the stairs to her

"Always a mess" Lily said and grabbed his collar pulling it together buttoning it

"Only for you Evans" he said and tucked her hair behind her ear leaving his hand there

"I know what your doing to me Evans and I can't help it" he said leaning his forehead against hers 

"So do I" she said he leaned in and lily felt his breath against her cheek

"OHH THE SEXUAL TENSION!!!" They jumped apart and turned to see Ivy Parkinson

"Fuck off Parkinson!!" James yelled as he pulled Lily up the stairs

Lily couldn't help the butterflies in hrr stomach they could have kissed she was pulled out of her thoughts when they  abruptly came to a stop


Lily was cut of by James' lips on hers , she was stunned for a second then she  kissed him back

James pulled back after a few moments leaning his forehead against hers

"I wanted to do that since second year" he said

"Me too" she said and wrapped her arms around his waist he moved his hand from her neck and wrapped his arms around her shoulders pulling her closer to him

"I like you Lily Evans" James said and pulled away from her with a small smile and a very nervous expression

"I like you too James Potter I have since forever " Lily admitted and he smiled kissing her forehead

"I knew you'd fall" he mumbled against her forehead

"Toe-Rag" Lily said and he chuckled

"Evans go to Hogsmead with me?? Saturday"

"No" she said and walked ahead of him

James laughed and ran up behind her grabbing her waist and picking her up bridal style

"JAMES POTTER PUT ME DOWN!!" Lily screeched

"Not until you say yes!!" He said and held her higher threatening to drop her

"You wouldn't dare!!" She said wrapping her arms around his shoulders

"Ohh but I would" he said with a smirk 



"I'll go to Hogsmead with you" she said he smirked before putting her back down

"Idiot" she said and he looked at her with a raised eyebrow

"Your idiot now" he said and pecked her lips

"Let's go Evans....I want to have a sleep" he said and held his hand out Lily grabbed it and they walked to their  common room

The next day Lily woke up with a butterfly feeling she made my way to the Great hall and Marlene was missing again

"What's wrong Evans??" She was yanked by her wrist and before she knew it she was sat between Sirius and Peter

"Has anyone seen Marlene??"

"Yeah she left as we came in" Remus said

"Lilypad!!" Sirius said and threw his arm over her shoulders

"Yes padfoot" she said grabbing a place of toast

"You kissed didn't you??" he whispered in her ear and she felt heat rush to hrr cheeks Sirius just smirked and raised an eyebrow towards James

Lily looked across the table to see James glaring at the two of them

"Your not gonna tell anyone right" Lily asked loud enough for Sirius to hear

"Secret's safe with me Evans" Sirius said and winked at het

"Your pissing him of aren't you??"

"Yep and it's working exceptionally" Lily looked to see James glaring literal daggers at Sirius

"Well I should go find Marlene" Lily said standing up and grabbing her bag

"Bye!!" She said and kissed Sirius' cheek

"Bye Lily" Remus yelled from behind his behind his book

If looks could kill Sirius would be six feet under


I updated the previous chapters Also please check out my Blackinnon , Dramione and Regulus fanfic❤


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