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The following day left James very confused Sirius went from glaring at Lily to not looking at him

He sat at the table and watched as Lily and Sirius whisper what seemed like a back and forth argument

"No!! I'll just go alone!"

"You most certainly will not!!"

"I can and I will Black!!" Lily hissed

"Fine!" Sirius yelled crossing his arms over his chest

"What's this about??" Marlene asked

"Evans doesn't have a date to the dance and I was offering to take her"

"I thought you were going with Marlene" Dorcas asked and Marlene pouted looking at Sirius

Sirius chuckled before tilting his head to the side looking at Marlene

"Yes Marlene's my date but I'm trying to tell Evans that I'll escort her atleast into the hall then she can go stag"

Remus snorted causing everyone to look at him while he held back laughter

"Sorry it's just stag" Remus said banging his hand ontot he table top

"Oh dear"

Remus' laugher increased ten fold and Peter joined in too

"I think you mean Oh stag!!"

"Oh bloody hell I swear I don't know them" Sirius said as the group dissolved into futher laugher


Lily dragged herself up the stairs it was time for the dance or atleast the day before 

Opening the door she found a pacing James Potter the second the door clicked he turned around to face her


"Potter" she replied nonchalantly and began to walk towards her room when James grabbed her arm and kept her in place

"What do you want Potter" she spat yanking her arm away from him

"Back to last names are we Evans?"

Liky let out a dry laugh, before crossing her arms over her chest

"Let me save us both the time and effort your going to apologize, then I'm going to apologize but we're going have an argument about it and go back to ignoring each other so....let's skip the dramatics and cross the finish line" she said looking at James who sighed as she walked past him

"Nothing happened.........I saw you and realized how stupid I was being and your right we both know this is going to go but hear me out" Janes said turning around to face her

"I love you Lily , did, do and always will there's nothing that will change that I don't know if what's been going on with you but I hate that your pushing me away" he said looking at her

Lily shifted on her feet and let out a dry laugh before looking at him

"You think I'm pushing you away??! James I'am holding on to you for dear life!! And yes there have been some things going on bu- but i-i-

"You what Lil you can tell me did Parkinson say something??"

Lily shook her head a little to quickly making James sigh

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