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Lily sat in the courtyard with the marauders and the rest of the girls


Lily turned around to the source of the voice to see a first year Sytherin

"Yeah" she asked and he leaned in towards her  ear

"Reg asked if you could meet him by the as-to-romy tower" he said

"I'll be right there" she said he nodded and ran away

"What was that about??" Marlene asked

"Nothing...don't worry about it" Lily said and gathered her things

"Where you going??" James asked as he handed her , her book

"Just to get some things done" she said and kissed his cheek

"I'll see you guys later"

Lily walked up the stairs of the tower and saw Regulus leaning against the railing of the tower


"Hey Lily" he said and turned around to face her

"You alright??"

"Yeah..yeah I'm good...I um- I just want to talk you know"

"Sure what's wrong??" She asked and moved to stand next to him

"Well first I wanted to say thank you for talking to Sirius it wasn't easy showing up with him but it was comforting having him there"

"Your welcome....but that was all him he decided to go"

"I know we don't know each other that well and um- th-this is a weird topic....have you ever fancied someone??" Regulus asked and scratched the back of his neck

Lily let out a chuckle and shook her head

"Yeah I have"

"Potter" he said with a smirk

"Yep that's the one"

"Well how did you know you know that you liked him??" Regulus mumbled

"I don't really know....but I do know that I've like him for a long time"

"How long?"

"Second year....I suppose"

"So you love him then??"

"Um-i-i don't know" Lily said eyebrows furrowing and looked at the view in front of them

"Who do you fancy??"

"Um...n-no one" he said

"C'mon tell me" she said and nudged him

"It's beyond wrong Lily the girl I fancy.....she's not even a Sytherin"

"Wh- what?? Who is it??" I asked and he let out a chuckle

"Well she's in my year.....she's a Gryffindor to add to it"

"So it's wrong because she's a muggle??"

"No no she's a pureblood....not that I would care if she was a muggle born" he said and Lily's jaw dropped

"Don't give me that look......just because I'm a pureblood Sytherin doesn't mean  I like the stupid rules we have to fuckin follow"

"Your trying aren't you??" She asked and he nodded

"I want to leave everyday but I can't......I-i'm not I can't be Sirius there's a reason I'm a Sytherin"

"Reg....why do we have to be judged based on our house? Or our name?? Or our original?? You decided what makes you , you" Lily said and placed her hand on his shoulder

"What if you don't have that option?? What if your pushed to be someone......something your not??"

"Then you dare to breakfree and be you" Lily said and he turned to look at her

"Is it that easy to let go of the world I be someone else??"

"It is if you try"

Silence filled the tower as they over looked the school grounds below them

"Now who's this girl you fancy??" Lily  asked changing the glum subject

"Vivienne" he said with a sigh

"Vivienne Price??"

"Shh!!! Be a little louder would you"

"Don't tempt me" she said with a smirk  and Regulus let out a chuckle

"You have spent to much time with my dear brother and his band of morons"

"Hey my boyfriend's one of morons!!"

"My point exactly" he said and let out a laugh

Over the next few weeks Lily would meet Regulus at the top of the astronomy tower at 6:00 in the evening

She even put in a good word with Vivienne and the two of them became  extremely smitten

Lily looked at her watch 6:30 Regulus was never late and it was bloody cold

Her mind drifted to a certain black haired boy they hadn't had time to sit down and have a chat in a while

James had been busy with the upcoming Quittich finals and in between studying, Quittich, Remus and his transformations and planning the dance Dumbledore decided to hold at the end of term they barely had time

They did their rounds and the fell asleep on the sofa only to be woken up by a black dog licking James face , the next morning which would later be justified as I love you guys that much

James and Lily didn't make it official they've been on a few dates but they  haven't had the time to talk about the status of their relationship

Lily drifted from her thoughts when a breeze blew past and fast heavy footsteps made their way up the stairs

"Lil- OH thank merlin!!! I thought you would have left"

"It is an half hour late"

"I-i know I'm sorry I got caught up with some issue that took place in the common room"

"It's okay" she said and wrapped her arms around herself tighter

"Are you cold??"

"A little"

"Here" he said and pulled off his scarf

"No Reg it's ok-

"It's least I could do for being late"

"Okay" she said and wrapped it around her neck

"So what was the news you wanted to tell me??" She asked

"OH!!!" He exclaimed and jumped into the air

"I'm finally going to do it Evans!!! I'm going to ask Vivienne out!!" He said and held one finger up in the air

"Well good for you Reg!!" Lily said with smile

"And she'll say yes.....she-s- she has too!! Will she Lily?? I'm freaking out!! What if she doesn't feel the same what if sh-


"Ye- what??"

"Calm down your the only thing she's talked about for weeks"

"So she'll say yes??" Lily nodded

After spending some more time chatting with Regulus Lily made her way to the Gryffindor common room

"She's returned??" Sirius yelled as she walked through the door

"Where were you Lil??" Remus asked

"Yeah we were goi- LILY EVANS!!!" Marlene yelled


Check out Vivienne and Regulus story if you guys want to , it's got drama and it's a bit steamy

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