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"Who does it look like??"

James grabbed her arm and pulled her down the corridor

"Merlin Potter!! The fuck is wrong with you?!!"

"What did you tell Evans??!"

"I don't even talk to Evans!!"

"Really you didn't ask her about your portion assignment?? In the library??"

"It was an enquiry Potter" Ivy pushed passed James and walked off towards the stairs leading to the Slytherin common room

James climbed the stairs leading up to Gryffindor common room when he heard voices down the corridor

"I don't know what to do??!"

"You can't just walk away!"

"But she was right"

"No she's not! Since when do you care about what others have to say?!? Get your crap together"

James quickly darted up the stairs when the footsteps got closer


Lily and Remus sat by the fire in the common room rushing to finish their homework

"And.......I'm done!" Lily said slamming her pen on the table

"Me too!"

The door swung open and the rest of the group walked in with a fuming James behind them

"What's wrong?" Lily asked looking at group


"You tell us why don't you!!" James snapped as he sat down in an armchair aggressively pulling his parchment from his bag

"What's that mean??"

"Oh I don't know Evans you acting like a dick this whole week maybe"


''Save it would you!" James snapped opening his book

Lily looked at the rest of the group who shrugged in response while Sirius not so subtlely glared at her

"What?!?" Lily snapped when no one responded Marlene got to her feet and slapped the book she was reading and stood up

"This is stupid!! Everyone's mad because we know you spoke to Parkinson and then broke up with James!!" Marlene yelled and then stopped to take a deep breath

"Okay one!! I didn't break up with James because of Parkinson!! And who I talk to is none of your business!!"

"I don't fucking care!! Your breaking him peice by peice and your just so calm and happy and whatnot!" Sirius yelled

"If you believe that then your delusional!!"

"What is it Evans?? Huh!?! Snivellus wants to renew your toxic friendship!?! Parkinson playing cupid or something?!?"

Lily's chest heaved as she tried to catch her breath not wanting to fight at the moment she grabbed her things and walked to the door

"Why'd you do it??!"

The voice made her freeze in place

"Coz I have too"

The door closed behind her and walled to the heads room


Lily stayed in her room when the common room door opened and then she heard it click

Footsteps two sets of Footsteps James and someone else Marlene probably no their too light

Curiosity getting the best of her she opened the door and peered out of it James was backed against the wall with a girl all over him

A gasp left her which caught the attention of the pair in the hallway

"G'day Evans....."

Drunk he was drunk she closed the door with a bang and buried herself into her bed after she was sure the hall was empty she got up and ran down the hall and out the door

She was walking down the hall and ran straight into someone


Lily broke down , burying her face in their chest


Sirius awkwardly pat her shoulder and wrapped his arms around her

"What's wrong Evans?? What happened??"

Stay tuned guys

I will write the next chapters longer

Thanks for reading

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