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James stumbled over the threshold of their house it was late.....sometime after three in the morning

James climbed up the stairs leading to Lily and his' bedroom it was only after he walked through the door did he let go

"James??" Lily asked above a whisper as she sat up and looked over at the door

"James??" She asked louder turning on the bedside lamp only to see James crouched over , his hung between his knees has his shoulders shook

"JAMES!!" Lily said rushing towards him

"James what's wrong??...james" he looked at her with bloodshot eyes and tear stained cheeks

"Who?" Lily asked quietly but he shook his head in response

" it Remus?? Siri-

"Doc- he got Docras"

Lily got to her feet and walked out the room and down the stairs James following her

"Alice and Frank.....their alright yeah??" She asked taking out two glasses from the cabinet

James nodded but didn't say anything futher as he watched her fill the glasses with firewhiskey


"What is it??"

"The prophecy that Dumbledore talked about.....he got new information...."James said sipping his firewhiskey

"New information??"

"Something that sets us apart from the Longbottom's"

"What??what is it??"

"The boy in the prohercy is a half blood.....Lily Harry's a half blood" he said quietly

"No! No!" Lily said shaking her head


"Not not our Harry!!" She sobbed looking over at James

"It's going to be alright Evans.....we'll figure something out"

"James what are we going to do??"

"You" James mumbled getting up


"Hogwards is the safest place...till we figure something else out"

"Are you saying we should stay at hogwards??!"

"Not in hogwards......within the grounds"

"James your talking nonsense" Lily said as James paced the room his fist making contact with the wall

"I can't lose anyone else!!! I need to keep you safe!! You , Sirius , Remus , Mary and Pete!! I need to keep you'll safe!! And Harry I need to keep Harry safe!!"

"James we will!! Together" Lily said softly taking James' hand in hers

"Evans I can't lose anyone else....lily if I lost you or Harry...I- I could never live with myself"

"James...your not going to lose me..or Harry....we'll figure this out together"

"I love you" James said pushing her hair out of her face

"I love you too..." Lily said standing on her toes tilting her chin up to kiss him

A shrill cry from the next room made them spring

"I forgot we had him"

"Of course you did....I was only the one who carried him and pushed him out my vagina an-

"I'll get him...I'll get him you get some sleep" James said with a chuckle before walking to the nursery

Lily sat at the foot of her bed.....memories of Docras flooding her vision....the curly haired Gryffindor who was always had something to say...especially when Sirius tried acting to smart

She was not alone.....but she felt like it

Thanks for reading guys

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