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The seventh years at hogwards stood at the entrance

"I can't believe we're done" Sirius said

"I mean not done done......we're done with school" Remus said

"Once we step through these gates we're out in the world" Docras said

"Into the war" Lily said

"We're all Gryffindor's for a reaso- sorry we're Gryffindor's and a Ravenclaw for a reason.....we're ready for it" James said lacing his fingers with Lily's

"Yep the great unknown" Marlene said with a sigh as they left


Two days ago





"The marauders....big prank everyone-

"Wha- calm down wh-


Lily ran towards the great hall but stopped when the doors swung open

The great hall was filled with bubbles in the middle of the hall Minerva McGonagall stood her pointed black hat covered with bubbles


"WE DID IT BOYSSSSSS!!!" James yelled as they took off down the hall clearly pleased with themselves


Lily had received a rather vague note from James telling her to him by the fountain at sunset

Lily wrapped in her scarf and with her hat on made her way to the fountain her red her straight and left free

James stood looking at the leaves that fell around him

"Potter!! It's freezing!" Lily said as she walked up behind him

"Evans!" James practically screeched turning around

"You wanted to see me??"

"Yeah I wanted to talk" James said holding his hand out

"James if you wanted to talk we can do it in the common room"

"Well I wanted to tell you something important.....and I wanted to do it in your favorite spot"

Lily looked at him wide eyed and blinked looking for words to say

"Have you seen Evans??" Thirteen year old James asked a fuming Marlene

"No James! And do keep your best friend as far as way from me as possible!!" The blonde yelled walking away

James sighed walking back to the common room taking the long way round of course

A flash of red in the autumn-nearly winter air caught his attention

Lily Evans sat on the edge of the fountain her hat which James taught was ridiculous on her head , scarf around her neck

"Evans It's freezing and nearly dinner time" he said approaching the redhead

"Potter! Oh Merlin it is nearly supper! I wasn't paying attention"

"I figured" James said helping her pack

"Why are you out here anyway....I mean there's about ten other places if you want to read in quite"

"Well this fountain happens to be my favorite place" she said grabbing his wrist looking at the watch in it

It was for half a second but both of them felt it....something they couldn't explain

"I have to meet Severus.... see you around" Lily said walking away

"You remember?" She asked

James smiled before nodding he looked at her once more before getting on one knee

"Lily....I know we've barely been together a year but......I love you Evans....always have and I know that that will never change not now not if you'd have me....Evans would you do me the honor of being my wife??"

Lily looked at James teary-eyed before she nodded


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