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"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU WEARING A SLYTHERIN SCRAF???" Marlene's question lingered in the air

Lily looked at James who had his jaw clenched with an emotionless expression but his eyes were glowing red

"I was with a friend" she said and took it off

"Snape" Alice said

"Lily we've talk abo-

"James!! James it's how it looks" Lily  said as he stood up

"And what does it look like Evans??" He asked his voice wavering


"Potter" he said and walked past her and out of the common room

"After ev-

"SHUT UP MARLENE!!! SHUT UP!!!" She  yelled and everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at her as she stormed out

"AND NO I WAS NOT WITH SNAPE!!" She yelled and slammed the door behind her

Lily ran as fast as her legs could go until  she saw him


"WHAT???" he yelled and turned around to face her , his hazel eyes red rimmed

"WHAT DO YOU WANT EVANS??" He chocked voice breaking

"James please listen to me!!" She said as she walked closer to him

"Listen to what?? That your seeing someone else?? Seven years Lily!! Seven years i- I.....I thought you felt the same....I-this-

"Let me explain-

"What have I done wrong?? Am I wrong?? Is there something wrong with me??!?! Have I not shown you how much I care???" He yelled and stepped closer to her

"I changed for you!!! I may be immature at times but so are you!!! WHAT AM I NOT DOING RIGHT??" He stepped closer

"SEVEN FUCKIN YEARS!!! DO YOU THINK ANYONE WOULD HAVE WAITED SEVEN YEARS???.....what?? What is it with you Lily?? It's yes and then no!!" James was effectively towering over her

"This is where you've been running off to with Snape??? What is it with him Evans??? What is it with you and him?? What does he have that I don't?? Evans after he's treated you like nothing you go back to hi-"


The sound echoed through the corridors she slapped him and she slapped him hard

James was breathing hard trying to get his anger under control, his fists were balled and his jaw cleanched

"Don't you ever think I would ever leave you for him!! If you would shut up for five seconds and let me explain you would fuckin understand!!!" She yelled

Silence took over they looked at each other both red in the face with anger, sadness and a hundred different emotions

James scrunched his nose and then looked away wiping his cheek

"James.....please" she said and got closer to him he took a step back but then stopped

Lily wrapped her arms around him and after a moment he did the same

"I won't get mad.....who is he??"

Lily let out a chuckle and pulled back

"It's no one.....I was talking to Regu-

"Lily!!" They turned around to see Regulus running towards them

"Reg nows not the ti-

"Sorry!! I just want my scarf"

Forever Is A Long Time | JilyWhere stories live. Discover now