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James sat there glaring at Sirius who was shoving food in his mouth a smile on his face

"What was that about??" Remus asked as Lily walked out

"Yess Sirius wohat was that??? James asked and crossed his arms over his chest

"Harmless flirting" he said and James  leaned across the table and glared at him

"Off limits!!" James said and threw his hands out to his sides

"Why it's not like your together" he said and scoffed

James was going to answer but for the sake of Lily he shut up he didn't want to say anything about what happened until she was ready

"Still she's off bounds!! Pads!!" James said and he held his hands up

"Fine!" He said and huffed

"Good!!" James said and walked out the hall

"Stop strutting!!! YOUR DOING IT WRONG!!" Sirius yelled James shot him the finger and walked out the hall

James was sat in the potions classroom and was there early with Slughorn who was talking about something James wasn't paying attention to

"Don't you think Mr Potter??" He asked and James looked at him

''Brilliant Professor!!" He said and he chuckled just as the door opened and Lily walked in

"Ahhh Miss Evans!!"

"Morning Professor" Lily said and sat down next to James

"As I was explaining to James........."

"What's he on about??" Lily asked James in a quite voice

"I don't know" James said and let out a yawn as he turned away from her she let out a chuckle opened her textbook and started writing on a peice of parchment

The rest of the day went by quick the seventh years found themselves in the Gryffindor common room

Alice and Frank were curled up by the fire reading, Remus trying to teach Marlene and Pete DADA and Lily and James sitting on the floor so we were in level with the coffee table

"FINALLY!!" James yelled and slammed his textbook shut

"SHUSH!!!" Remus yelled and James turned to glare at him before packing his bag

With a sigh he lay his head down on the desk and turned to face Lily and man....she was beautiful

She had her hair in a bun with her wand through it her green eyes following the words on the text book

"What Potter??" She asked and continued writing

"Your pr-

James was interrupted by a rather loud HEYO BITCHES

"Lils!!" He said and sat down in the seat on the otherside of her

"Hey Pads!!" Lily said tucking a strand of hair behind her ear

"Your looking awfully cute today Evans"

"Why thank you Padfoot" she said bopped his nose

"He's wrong!!" James said crossing his arms over his chest and they turned towards him

"I mea- he- He's not wrong but your beautiful Lily not cute!!" He said glaring at Sirius

"Uh- thanks Potter" she said packing her bag

"Fancy a stroll Evans??"

"Why of course Sir SIRIUSUS!!" She said and grabbed his outstretched arm

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