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The order stood awaiting Dumbledore who had placed Alice and Frank in their new hiding spot

"About time Albus!" Moody grumbled

"Apologies Alastor"

"Now as we know he is after a child.....a child who is to be born at the end of July and we are in a predicament because James and Lily also have a child on the way"

"I have spoken with Andromeda Bla- I mean Tonks and she's agreed to help us by giving us a safe place"

"So James and Lily" Dumbledore said holding a peice of paper out towards them

"Ted and Andromeda have left for the muggle world with their daughter and are in hiding too....they are the only ones who know of this place where you are headed"

"Thank you professor" James said taking the paper from Dumbledore before turning back towards Lily

The meeting ended but Dumbledore along with Moody asked James and Lily to stay back

"Frank and Alice have chosen a secret keeper"

"A secret keeper??" Lily asked

"The Fidelius Charm" James said and Dumbledore nodded while holding a vile

"It is a very old spell...with it you trust a person wholeheartedly they will be the only ones who know about it"

Dumbledore paused for a moment watching the couple intently

"Given the situation with your group of friends.....I would humbly ask you to choose me"

James looked at Lily before standing up and taking the vile from Dumbledore

"With all do respect sir....w-

"We trust Sirius with our life " James said cutting Lily off

"I understand....but know the knowledge of this is among the people within these four walls"

"And Black" Moody said with a scoff

"Problem Moody??" James asked

"You might trust Black but he is a Black after all I'd watch my back around him" Moody said before walking out of the room

Diagon Ally was a crowded place in the misted of it all a few meters away from the ministry in a one room flat

James and Lily explained to Sirius what the situation was

"Guys I'm honestly glad you choose me but I may have a better idea"

Thanks for reading guys

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