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End of semester dance.......lily ran through the halls like a madwoman she had to get everything ready and it had to be perfect

She woke up with James wrapped around her holding her close to him the second they rejoined the group Remus let out a very loud and as Sirius put it "wolfish" howl thanking the heavens

It was last minute but after their late night "shower" James asked Lily to be his date to which she agreed

The hall was done perfect , Marlene who had her hair in curlers was the first to leave saying she had to get her hair done

Alice and Frank left next the two were practically married at this point

Sirius left next saying "looking like this takes effort,time and as much as I hate to admit it good genes"

The rest left soon after leaving Lily running around making all the finishing touches

Running  into the common room she went to her room and rushed putting on her dress and makeup with a little magical help

She walked into the common room putting her earrings on when she saw a nervous looking James sitting on the chair by the door

As she approached him James looked up at the girl and let out a audible woah

Lily awkwardly scratched her arm and looked at the boy in front of her

"Is everything okay??" She asked as James reached forward grabbing her hand and pulling her towards him

"Yea-n- No! You look beautiful" he said tucking her a strand of hair behind her ear

Lily blushed and looked up at him he smiled at her and kissed her hand

"I um...I got you something" he said sheepishly

"You didn't have to"

James waved his hand dismissively and pulled out a box

"Someone might have told me the colour of your dress and I got you this......I think it is a corsage" he said pulling out a the band it was a blue ribbon with a white rose and blue orchids

Even though it was the Wizarding world Lily knew that orchids were expensive


"I love you Evans......I love you a little a lot passionately not at all" he said

"So you don't love me?? Is that what your saying-

"No bloody merlin Lil I'm trying to be Romantic!!!" He said and stood up with a dramatic huff

"Fine fine!!"

James sighed before grabbing her hand and gently wrapped the ribbon on her wrist


Liky smiled at him and stood on her toes kissing him

"I love you...."


The pair turned around to see a cheery Marlene and a grinning Sirius standing in the doorway

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