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"Why were you with Ivy Parkinson??"

The question lingered in the air , James felt Lily tense under his touch

"I w-wasn't with Ivy Parkinson" Lily said quietly

James sighed and shifted so he was lying on his back

"I know your lying" he said untangling his arms from her waist

"I'm not I was not with Parkinson" Lily said sitting up

"We saw it on the map....and no the map never lies"

James didn't want this to escalate he did his best to keep his anger and frustration down but Lily was not making it easy

"She was asking me for help on the portion assignment"

James nodded and soon the pair fell into a rather restless sleep


"Portions assignment??" Sirius asked as he stuffed an entire peice of toast into his mouth

"Yeah apparently she needed help" James replied

"It's not due till after the holidays but knowi- Sirius what are you doing??!!?" Remus asked looking at the Raven haired boy who had his mouth wide open with half chewed toast and his tongue stuck out

Remus followed his gaze only to see Regulus scrunch up his nose and push  his plate away

"Haha weak!" Sirius said and continued to stuff his face

''Do you have to make his life a living hell??" Remus asked pushing his plate away his plate from loss of appetite

"No.......I just like getting him riled up he reminds me of dear mother when he frowns"

James let out a laugh and smacked the table before leaning back dissolving in laughter

"Mate!! You might not act like her but your expressions are the same as your mother" Frank said with a chuckle

The marauders broke into a laughing fit watching as Sirius' face scrunched up in the same way Regulus' did moments ago

"See definitely related" Frank said grabbing his jacket before heading out of the hall

"I hate it when Longbottom's right" Sirius mumbled as he followed the marauders out the hall

James was asleep halfway through portions, Slughorn was going on about something





"Wait! Wait! I'll handle this"

James jolted up and smacked Sirius' hand away wiping his ear while the group let out disgusted groans

The group made their way to the common room but stopped outside the door when James came to a halt

"What's wrong??" Alice asked

"I forgot my guys go on I'll be right back" James said walking back towards the dungeons

James grabbed his book from his desk and made his way back towards Gryffindor tower

While walking past the hallway outside Dumbledore's office he stopped when something caught his attention

"And he's fine?"

"Perfectly.......he's getting his own place after graduating"

"I wouldn't expect anything less......I'm glad I was able to atleast get one of them out"

"What about you??"

"It's to late for me......I'm leaving to France maybe"

"You should stay"

"No there's enough going on I shouldn't add to the list"

James realized that there were three people in his conversation and he knew  all of them and it was no surprise that Sirius was who they were talking about

Not wanting to eavesdrop any further about things he didn't want to know he turned down the next corridor only to walk into someone

"Oh I'm sorry"

James picked up the scattered books on the floor and handed them to the person in front of him with a smile that dropped when he saw who it was


Sorry for the short chapter guys!!

Also is it just me or do Timotée, Ben and Eva actually look like they may be related

Atleast Timmy and Eva

Thanks for reading guys

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