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The ringing of the phone followed by Petunia yelling forced Lily awake she glanced at her clock 2:25 am

The second she pulled the covers off she was hit by a wave of cool air, she lay back on the bed and stared at the ceiling she had goosebumps on her skin but it didn't feel cold anymore

James......the letter his tongue Oh he was good at it

"Fuck....." she groaned and in seconds tossed her shorts and underwear to the side

Pushing her fingers into herself she leaned back and let out a small moan it wasn't him but it was there

After trying and failing and making herself sore with a frustrated groan she pulled the covers back up and fell asleep

A knock on the door woke her up and her mother's head poked through

"Mum?? What's wrong it's....4:45??"

"I know I'm sorry but Petunia left with Vernon at 3:00 something about the venue she called she wants help I know i said i-

"Mum it's can meet us there....I'll be down in a second to shut the door" Lily said

Lily now in her shorts followed her mother down

"Yes mum I'll meet you there.....I have all afternoon to get ready" Lily huffed for what seemed like the hundredth time

"Okay okay! Love you"

With a sigh she closed the front door behind her before walking back in the house

Lily barely made it across the room when there was a pop

James Potter stood in a harpies jersey , old sweats and a bag in his hands


Without saying anything he pulled her into a hug

"Oh.....I missed you so so much!!" He said and pulled her closer to him

"I missed you too Potter" she said standing on her toes kissing him

"And are diabolical!!" James chuckled picking her up before kissing her again full on the mouth

"Bedroom?" He mumbled as he headed towards the stairs

"Second door"

They stumbled into the room and James pinned her to the wall placing open mouth kisses on her neck and shoulder

"Evans..." he groaned as she rubbed her hips against his and palmed him

James let out a low growl and pinned her hands above her head

"You don't get to say the things you did....and think I'm letting you off that no no Evans I'm gonna make you scream" he said his voice low sending tingles down her spine as he nipped at her earlobe

"It's not the first time we've been together but I need you to tell me" he mumbled nipping at her neck , while one hand held her hands against the wall the other traveled down her side

"Tell me....what you want??"

His fingers slid into her shorts and he let out a low chuckle

"Nothing underneath......tell me Evans.....did you finger yourself last night?? Did it feel like this??"

Lily let out a moan that sounded almost like a whimper as James' fingers rubbed up and down her slit, his thumb drawing traumatizingly slow circles

"Tell me what you want love" he said pushing a finger into her

"You" she whimpered as he started to move it at an antagonizing pace

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