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⚠️TW- at the end⚠️

End of term arrived sooner than expected Christmas holidays were a week away and this Friday was the dance

Lily woke up to an empty, James Potter did not wake up early on Sunday

She finished my morning routine and walked to the great hall to the table and sat down

"We so pouty my deer Lily??" Remus asked

"Has anyone seen James??"

"I can't find Marlene either" he said

"Or Siri" Alice said silence fell upon them but was broken by a gasped out by Peter that made them all look at him in alarm

"We lost them!!!" Peter said and the group looked at each other trying very hard not to laugh

"Yeah Pete that's it"

"Fancy a stroll to the lake ladies??" Remus asked

"Sure" Alice said and lily followed them as they walked to the lake

"I think it might snow in the next few days" Alice said as she looked at the sky

"Maybe even today if possible" Remus said looking at the sky

"So what's everyone's plans for Christmas??" Peter asked

"The usual except this time Tuney's bringing her fiance Veron Dudley" Lily  said

"Their having an engagement party the following week....."

"Who are taking as your date??" Alice said

"James obviously .....but i still have to ask him" she said and bit her lip

"Ask me what??"


"Oi!!" We turned around to see Sirius running down the hill


"What?" Remus asked

"I overheard Minnie and Dumbledore talking and apparently the ball is this Friday!!" Sirius said and started panicking

"We know!" The group responded collectively

"But I don't have robes an-

"Oh no you better go get your dress Cinderella!!" Remus said and and Marlene bust out laughing

"I'm not Cinderelly Remus!!! I'm Sirius get your facts right!!" Sirius huffed flipping his hair

"C'mon Cinderella let's go colour coordinate" Marlene said and pulling Sirius away

"Nothing pink though!!"

"Ask me what Evans??" James asked looking at me

"Well um- I was wondering if you'd be my date?"

"Kinda a given Evans I mean I am your boyfriend" James said throwing his arm over her shoulders

''Not to the ball!!-

"Then where??" James asked frowning

"My sister's getting engaged and she's having a's on the 21st and I was wondering if you'd be my date?"

"Evans I'm going to be your date for the rest of eternity" James said kissing her forehead

"Who's your sister marrying anyway??"

Lily sighed and wrapped her arm around James' waist leaning into his side

"This guy named Vernon Dursley.....he's a rather big bloke , not really a nice person......but I don't know I guess he's different with her"

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