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James felt his heart rip when Lily let out a sob

"I-i- I'm sorry James!!" She said as she cried into his chest

"Lil none of this is your fault"

"Yes...yes it is!! If I hadn't foug-

"Evans!! You look at me right now"" she said and she looked up with him with puffy eyes and a red nose

"Don't you dare blame yourself for anything you get that!! Snape is a prick and as far as this it's Quittich Lil these things happen" he said and tucked her hair behind her ear and she looked at him with those eyes that haunted his dreams

"It's alright Evans" he said and kissed her forehead

She looked uncertain for a second then moved so her head was in the nock of his neck her back against his chest

"Your warm" she mumbled as she played with his fingers

"Were you worried about me Evans?" She looked up at him with a smile

"Always Potter" she said and kissed his jaw before snuggling into his side

"Evans.....remember second year" he said and she chuckled before turning so her face was in his chest

"Your always there" she said and traced imaginary lines on his sweater

"Even when I "hated" you" she said above a whisper with a soft smile tugging at her lips

"And I'm always going to be here Evans" he said and she sat up

"What are you doing to me James Potter?" Lily asked softly and placed her hand on his jaw

"Been asking you the same thing since first year Lily Evans" he said she sighed and kissed his forehead

"Don't you ever leave"

"I promise" he said and leaned into her touch


"Fuck!!" James groaned as Pomfrey walked into the wing

Lily quickly got off the bed as she came into view

"Oh James your awake!!"

"Thank you Lily" she said and lily nodded

"You should get going Lily" Pomfrey  said and Lily nodded

"Night poppy"

"Goodnight Potter" she said and smiled at him

"Goodnight Evans" he said and smirked at her

Lily walked to the common room and dragged herself to her room and closed her eyes....good thing it was a Sunday

She woke up when the sun hit her face she looked at the clock it was 8:00 she had managed to get 3 hours of sleep

She finished her routine and walked downstairs it's early so she decided to visit James later in the day

"Lily" she turned around to see Remus running to her

"Remus" she said with a smile as he caught up with her

"You don't look so good Lil you sleep okay??" He asked as we reached the bridge

"Not really" she said with a sigh

"What's wrong?"

''Remus I-i don't know what to do" she said and slid down leaning against the railing

"About what Lil?? You can tell me" Remus assured her

"I-James- he" Lily was trying to fabricate a sentence that made sense but Remus let out and chuckle and shook his head

"Lily I don't know what you want me to say"he said and sat down next to her

"I've known James for seven years now and in the seven years alot has changed but not you Lily.....he cannot shut up about you"

"Everytime we have a study session together or we talk like now he pester's me about what we do"

"And I know I said this before and it didn't really go well but he has changed Lily....and he did it for you I've never seen anyone so in love yes....... there's still abit of the arrogance but that's just James"

"Lily he's hopelessly in love with you.....and I'm afraid if you holds on any longer he's going to fall harder and get hurt"

"Remus i-i- I think I like him" Lily mumbled picking at the floorboard

"I think I have since second year.......he's always been there when I cried always been there to hold me" she said her lip trembling

"Remus what if he leaves too?? What if-" she asked and wiped her eyes

"Lily....it's okay" Remus said pulling her  into his chest rubbing my back

"Everyone leaves!! I care they hate me and they leave"

"Lily you are stupid if you believe everyone leaves!!! I'm not going anywhere.....neither are the girls or Sirius or Pete and...... James I don't think he's ever going to leave" he said pulling her away from his chest

"Your my friend....no your my sister!! And family don't leave family behind" he said and wiped away her tears

"I'm always going to be here Lily.....your my best friend other than those three blokes" he said with a chuckle

"I'am?? Your sister??"

"Since the day I met you Lily!! You've always been there for me" he said with a smile

"Good!! Because your my little brother" she said smiled Remus chuckled and pulled out a chocolate bar

"Never change Remus" she said as he handed her a peice of chocolate

"Not counting on it Lily"

"It's so peaceful here" he said with a sigh after a few moments

"It always is"

"Lily? Do you think that i- someone would ever love something like me one day??"

"Remus don't you dare doubt that!! And your not something your the most intelligent, kind hearted, caring person I know.....and I know that one day someone is going to love you!! I can see it and I don't knwo why I have this weird gut feeling her name starts with the letter "N" " she said and he gave her a smile

" "N" huh?? I wonder who that'll be" he said leaning his head against the railing

They sat at the bridge for God knows how long talking and having a laugh and they managed to finish four bars of chocolate


"For Godric's sake!! Pete and I were looking for you two all morning" Sirius said as he walked down the bridge

"So much for peace" Remus mumbled and Lily let out a laugh and Remus followed after her

"I missed you too Moons!!" Sirius said as he grabbed the chocolate from Remus who gave him a threatening glare

"Lily!! James is awake and has been waiting for you all morning" Sirius said

"I should go see him" lily said and Remus nodded with a smile

"Good luck" the marauders yelled after her

"DAMN IT MOONY!!! IT'S CHOCOLATE NO NEED TO RIP OFF MY ARM!!!" Sirius yelled glaring at Remus who continued to eat his chocolate not a care in the world


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