care for a butterbeer?

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Rose Malfoy

It's been about two weeks since classes have started and I swear, my feelings for Blaise aren't decreasing but growing. The opposite of what I want.

Walking through the halls, admiring the peace that there is, 15 minutes before curfew begins.

It's a regular thing for me.

Walking the halls before curfew, taking in the quiet that isn't there during the day.

It's nice.

But not tonight.

"Little Malfoy. What are you doing out before curfew?" Theodore Nott asks, suddenly walking next to me.

"I don't understand why everyone calls me 'little Malfoy'. I'm younger than Draco by thirteen minutes" I roll my eyes as a deep chuckle leaves Theo's throat.

"I do it to get a rise out of you. Others, I don't know." He shrugs. "Anyways, how have you been? You haven't written to me since our... ya know."

That's right.

In June, about a week after mine and Draco's birthday, our parents had left on a little trip and we threw a party.

I got a little buzzed and took Theo up to my room.

It was all consensual.

It wasn't the worst. But it wasn't the best.

I never finished because the thought of him not being who I really wanted, was in the front of my mind.

"I've been good. I never wrote you because I didn't know if I was supposed to or not" I shrug, looking into his eyes.

"You can always write me, love. Say... how about a Butterbeer this weekend?" He throws his arm over my shoulders as we come closer to the Hufflepuff tower.

"I don't know." I push his arm off "I'm sure that Draco wouldn't like it"

"Who cares about what Draco says. it's your life"

"And I'm sure that you just want another hook up, so just say it. You want to fuck me again." I stop and turn to him.

At this point, all of my Hufflepuff has left me and the Slytherin that I have deep down is showing no mercy.

"Yes- I mean no. Not at all"

"Tell me the real reason, Nott. I'm not playing games"

"Okay fine. Yes, I want to hook up again" He bows his head, finally telling the truth.

"There ya go" I smile, standing on my tiptoes and kissing his cheek "I'll think about it" With that, I turn and walk up the stairs to the Hufflepuff tower.

In reality, I don't think I'll hook up with him again. It was good, don't get me wrong, but I just want to find the person who will actually help me fulfill that high.

Theo isn't that person.


Groggily, I walked down the tower and made my way to the great hall. It's Monday and I'm really not in the mood for classes or anything.

Pushing the huge, heavy doors open, revealing all of the students. Some were talking to their friends at other house tables and others were just like me. Not in the mood.

I slowly made my way to the Slytherin table and noticed Theo looking at me. I sent him a small smile which he returned.

Other than the bad sex, he was a nice person. He deserved more than what he received. He's good looking, good at Quidditch, and smart. Everything that someone could want.

Not me though. I want Blaise.

"Morning" I groaned as I walked up to my friends.

Astoria sat next to Draco, in my spot. That left me with a seat next to Blaise.

Outside I was groaning but inside, as I inched closer, the butterflies swarmed my stomach.

Squeezing into the small space, since Crabbe sat on the other side of the empty spot, my thigh brushed up against Blaise's. Instantly, a shock rushed through my body and I looked straight at him. I'm not sure if he felt it too, but when I looked up at him, he was looking back at me.

I looked away, quickly, and started to fill my plate with food.

French toast this morning.

Blaise had a stack of it on his plate and there was none in the center of the table. I didn't try to be sneaky when I grabbed one off of his plate, placing it on mine.

"Hey!" He yelled, trying to grab it back but my hand wrapped itself around his wrist.

"You took the whole plate!" I argued back and once again, our eyes met and we both fell into a trance.

Looking into his eyes, deeply, I've never noticed the little sparkle in them. How he has a darker brown circle around his iris which is a dark brown but not as dark as the little circle.

"Hey, Rose. Can I talk to you?" A voice pulls me out of my trance and I look away from Blaise, taking my hand off his wrist.

"What's up?" I turn and ask Theo.

"Care for a Butterbeer this weekend?" He asks and I sigh.

I won't let it go all the way. I don't want that.


"Great" And he walks away.

Turning back to the table, everyone's mouths are slightly parted and looking at me. Everyone but Blaise. His head leans in his hand with a sad expression on his face as he eats his food. I don't think anything of it.

I tell everyone to get back to eating and so they do and I start.


"What was that about?" Scarlett asks me as we walk out of the great hall.


"That thing with Nott? Wasn't one night of disappointment enough?" She chuckles and then Pansy joins us.

"So we're done with Blaise?" She asks.

I shrug "I've never asked anyone out and I don't think he'll ask me out, plus Dr-"

"Draco. Yes, we get it, but who cares! And did you not see the way he was looking at you when you took his french toast?"

"No, she didn't Scarlett. She was lost in her own zone. I bet she was thinking of riding hi-"

"WOAH! No, I wasn't!" I punch Pansy in the arm, making her rub it "I was thinking about how he has a little brown ring around his iris, and it's brown but darker than the actual iris" I smile, looking down.

"Who?" Blaise asks, throwing his arm over my shoulders.

"Uh- N- no one" I smile, looking up at him.

He nods.

You are 'who'. It's always you.

His Rose. // Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now