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Rose Malfoy

All week I had been in my room. Draco told my teachers that I got food poisoning over Christmas break and that it had just hit me. Scarlett was bringing me all of my work and she was the one doing it and turning it in.

The whole week I just sat on my floor, wearing Blaises sweats, the smell of him fading through time.

I haven't left my room at all, my friends bringing me food, but I barely ate it. Only a few bites during each mealtime. Scarlett, Pansy, and Astoria would take turns spending the night, making sure that I didn't harm myself in any way.

I didn't want to hurt myself. I just wanted this numb feeling to go away.

The brokenness had turned into nothing. I didn't care about doing my work, I didn't care about taking care of myself. Nothing. I just wanted to go home.

My ears hurt due to the echo of his laugh coming from Susan's room constantly. I tried multiple spells to block it out, but they never worked and I had gotten so frustrated with that, that I almost broke my wand so Draco took it away.

I stared out my window, knees to my chest as tears silently streamed down my face. My cheeks burned from the number of tears that had fallen on them. I wondered what my eyes looked like. I wondered what I looked like.

I stood up and walked over to the mirror on my wall, looking at my sunken and red cheeks, dark circles under my eyes, bug baggy clothes that had the little scent of him left. My hair was knotted and just a plain mess.

I scrunched my face up and cried. I bawled and sobbed as the image of Blaise kissing Susan came back to the front of my mind.

Voices raced and bounced around in my head.

"You're not enough."

"He never loved you."

"It was a lie."

"What did you expect? Forever? Loser."

I screamed and punched the mirror, falling to my knees and covering my face with my hands. My knuckles bled from the mirror cutting them, but the pain was nice.

My door opened and I looked up, Scarlett walking in and shutting the door. She looked at me and her eyes dropped, worry filling them.

"Rose," She sighed, grabbing her wand and muttering a spell to clean up the glass.

Laughing. His laugh came from the other and I heard her voice as she said "Blaise! Stop!" And she giggled.

I shook my head as more tears fell "I can't. I cant." My voice broke, Scarlett grabbing my hands and pulling me up and into her arms.

"It's okay. He lost the most beautiful girl in the world." She rubbed my back as I cried into her shoulder "Come to the party tonight. Let loose and drink."

I thought about it as I pulled away.

My mother started to drink when my father left. It made her feel better so it would make me feel better, right?

I nodded and she smiled, walking me over to my chair and sitting me down. Scarlett grabbed my brush and started to brush through my hair, talking about how she was going to make Blaise regret ever getting rid of me.


I walked through the Slytherin portrait, Scarlett at my side. I saw Blaise in one corner and then the rest of my friends in another.

Blaise looked like he was dead. He had no emotion or expression on his face a all. He just stood there in sweats, twirling a cup around in his hand.

His Rose. // Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now