my feelings for her.

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Blaise Zabini

I caught Rose as she fell limp in my arms. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared. I was beyond infuriated too.

Before I headed back to the castle, Rose in my arms bridal style, I glanced at Draco who was on top of Theo, screaming at him and punching him.

As I made my way back to the castle, a bunch of Professors, including the Headmaster, were running to where Draco is now.

Scarlett and Pansy were by the doors of the castle, waiting for me and Rose.

I told the Professors that I'd take her to the Infirmary and they nodded, quickly walking down the path.

The conversation with Theos friends kept playing in my mind.

"We should've told you sooner but we didn't want Nott to hurt us," Cassius Warrington said as he walked up to Draco and me. The girls just walked into the common room.

"What is it?" Draco stood up, eye leveled with them.

The two boys visibly gulped "He's planning on drugging Rose and- you get the point. I'm sure he's already put it in her dr-" I stood up and punched Cassius in the face as Draco ran out of the room.

"You're going to Dumbledore and telling him now" I turned to Pansy and Scarlett, running after Draco.

I entered through the doors of the infirmary "Madam Pomfrey" Scarlett yelled.

She ran out of her office and when she saw Rose, her face dropped.

"Over here" Pomfrey motioned to a bed where I laid Rose down "What happened?"

"She went on a date and was drugged. When I got there, he was pushing her against a tree" I explained, my voice shaky.

"Okay. I need to examine her more. Mr. Zabini, can you please wait outside. Miss Evergreen, your mother's a healer... could you help?"

I didn't want to leave. I couldn't just leave her there.

After the days that I haven't talked to her, I missed her and wanted to make amends again.

"Mr. Zabini. We have to change her so you need to leave" Pomfrey said sternly.

So I turned and waited outside the doors.


The door creaked and I stood up from my seating position on the floor.

My two best friends walked out and said that I could go in. Pomfrey had just walked back into her office shutting the door.

"How bad is it?" I asked, taking a seat in the chair next to Roses bed.

"Not terrible. He didn't get anywhere near there. A few bruises on her hips and some on her thighs. The ones on her thighs are faded, so they're older. I didn't think she was active with anyone." Scarlett explained.


I took a deep breath and rubbed my temples.

Three days ago I had been so lost in my anger and hurt, that when I snapped. I moved close to her and gripped her thighs hard.

It wasn't a hurtful thing though. I didn't intend for it to be. It was my possessiveness over her that kicked in.

Her choosing someone else other than me.

I have been there for years but yet, she chooses others.

What is it about me that she doesn't like? How am I so different from the others?

I need answers.

"The bruises are from me. The ones on her thighs." I sigh out, watching Pansy and Scarlett drop their jaws open in shock. "We were in the library and she was asking me all of these questions and I just couldn't do it anymore."

"why and what?" they asked in unison.

"I couldn't see her want another guy anymore." I looked down "How am I so different from them? Why doesn't she choose me?"

"You like Rose?" Scarlett asked.


I had finally done it.

I had finally told someone about my feelings for her.

A huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders as I let one of my darkest secrets out. The second one I don't think I could ever tell anyone.

"That's why you got so sad when Nott asked her out. That's why you started to call her by her last name." Pansy says astonished "That's why she didn't come and see us after you guys met up. She needed to understand what you did"

Scarlett smacked her arm making Pansy wince as I looked at them confused.

"You ask her. We can't talk anymore." Scarlett motioned to the sleeping girl and then to themselves.

"Why did you leave bruises?" asked Pansy.

"She was sitting on the desk and said something and I lost it. Possessiveness and jealousy took over. I gripped her thighs a little too hard" I looked to the floor.

I was going to go further. I was going to kiss her... but I didn't.

I heard Scarlett mutter something but I couldn't make out the words.

I need to tell Draco.

He's ranted to me about how no one is good enough for her and quite frankly, I'm scared I'm not good enough for her.

All I want is to wake up with her next to me. I want to meet her outside the great hall and peck her lips before we walk in for a meal. I want to just sit on my dorm floor and study with her, taking breaks to make out or whatever.

I missed her lips. I have since July.

When she said that it was just a dare and meant nothing, I was hurt. It showed that she didn't care.

I wish she did.

The door flew open and an infuriated Draco walked into the room.

"And now you know why I don't let guys touch my sister. As much as speak-... to her" His voice cracked, sitting next to Rose on the bed, picking up her hand.

There's something about twins that I will never understand.

The bond.

The bond that the two siblings have is unexplainable.

Rose only had Draco and her mother. With her being a Hufflepuff, her father despised her. Lucius also hated Draco since he was a 'blood traitor' but he wasn't. The only person outside our house he talked to, was Rose. So in reality, the mother and twins only had each other. 

"She's fine Draco. Just a few bruises on her hip but that's it" Pansy walked up to Draco and rested her hand on his shoulder. 

In third year the two used to date... that is until they broke up. Pansy wasn't as hurt as she thought she would be. Then she and Scarlett got closer and that when she determined she was gay. 

We've all accepted her. 

"Okay, you guys can visit her in the morning. Curfew is soon." Pomfrey walked out of her office and looked at all of us. 

Draco threw a fit and I knew that I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. The sight of Theo on her was forced into my mind and I just wanted to kill him. 

I'd do anything for Rose. Even if she doesn't want me in the same way as I want her.

His Rose. // Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now