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A/N: As I said in the very first author's note, before the story even started, I said there would be triggering things. I will put warnings at the beginning of EVERY chapter but if you can not handle them then please click off now. This is another warning so please do not say that I didn't warn you because I did.

Thank you and I love you and I'm always here no matter what. My DMS are open on here and the same on Instagram @/addie_wattpad.




Blaise Zabini.

I stood at the end of my driveway, my trunk in my hand. I just stared down the path that leads to the mansion that I had grown up in. A place that I used to call home.

Everyone has their own demons. This place here... it's my personal demon.

Inside, what should be my home, are memories that have destroyed me in every way that I shouldn't be.

When people think of demons, they think of internal battles. Like depression and anxiety, which are all normal things. My demons are my memories.

I started to walk up the long path, breathing in and out and hoping for the best. I loved it here, I did. But that feeling has died as time has gone by.

I finally made it to the stairs and took the first step. The door opened and my mother showed with a smile on her face.

Her melanin skin was as dark as mine, her eyes were a much lighter brown and her hair was straightened. My mother hated having her hair straight; she loved the big curls that she had, but David liked it. With that, I knew I wasn't going to stay for long.

"There's my pumpkin!" She smiled, pulling me into a hug.

I dropped my trunk and wrapped my arms around her for what felt like the first time in forever. Her smell of berries wafted into my senses making me feel happy. The last time I had seen her was before we went back to school. It was still a long time and we didn't have the connection we used to. I looked over her shoulder and I knew that I wasn't even going to stay for Christmas now.

"There's the big man," David said, walking closer to my mother and me as we pulled away.

"You're supposed to be gone," I muttered as I shoved my hands in my pockets. He looked me up and down, not saying anything.

"That's the thing, dear, we're back together. That's the surprise. And it's for good this time, I can assure you." She squeezed my shoulder as I looked down.

This isn't what was supposed to happen. My mother wasn't supposed to fall into his manipulation again. They've been on and off since I was twelve. He breaks her heart because he thinks she cheated and then they get back together because he says some stupid things to get her mind wrapped around him again. I want to kill him.

"Come on, son. We can go out like old times" He comes closer, trying to pull me into a hug but I walk away before he can touch me, grabbing my trunk and walking up the stairs.

"I'm not your son and the old times were less than a year ago. Get over it." I stomped up the stairs with no expression or feeling. If I had to pinpoint one, it'd be anger.

I threw open my bedroom door and set my trunk on my bed, walking into the bathroom. I didn't bother with unpacking seeming as though I was just going to the Malfoy's in less than an hour.

Shutting my bathroom door, I turned on the light and looked in the mirror. I saw my younger self in the mirror. Me before I just started to let it all happen.

I shuddered at the feeling of his hands ghosting my body as my eyes stared back at me in the mirror. I brought my hands up, tracing my neck and chest, his hands just there. They always were.

I opened up the top drawer of the sink and looked down at the razor blades, muttering a charm that showed my scars.

It was tempting. I wanted to do it. But I was better than that now. I could leave before it happened and I could be safe.

A knock came from my room and I shut the drawer and headed out of the bathroom.

David stood there with a cocky smirk "Aren't you going to unpack? Or are you waiting for me to help?"

I kept my distance as he came into my room and shut the door. "I'm actually waiting for mother to come in so I can tell her-"

"You won't tell her a thing, Blaise." He spoke, cutting me off.

"Oh, but I should. It's not right and you know it." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"But you like it." He sat on my bed.

I felt myself starting to shake but I shut it down quickly. This is how it started every time.

"Do it for me, Blaise." He pouts, starting to unbutton his shirt.

I huffed, quickly walking over to him and punching him in the face which made him fall back onto my bed. He tried to get up, but I climbed on top of him and hit him again.




I stopped for just a second and looked at his face. His blood was on my hands now, coating my dark skin in red. I looked down at his now crooked nose and bloodied face. I couldn't get as many hits in as I wanted. So...

Another hit.

And again.



My mother ripped me off of him, throwing me to the ground. I looked into her eyes and saw tears as she screamed at me, but I heard nothing.

Everything, slowly but surely, came back into view and out of the fog.

"Why the hell would you do that!? Are you insane? Blaise Zabini, explain yourself!" My mother broke down.

I stood up at a fast pace and walked up to my mother, pointing at the man who was basically passed out.

"You think you love him? You think he loves you? He touches me. Messes with me when you're gone or asleep. Has been since the beginning. You are so blinded by his manipulation that you can't even see that I don't want to be here anymore and it's because of him!" I yelled back at her, grabbing my trunk as she stood there speechless.


"I'm going to the Malfoy's. At least they show that they love me." I cut her off, flipping my wand and apparating out.

When I landed, I had my trunk in my left hand and blood slowly drying on my right. I didn't care if he died there on my bed.

The bitch deserved it.

His Rose. // Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now