girls day.

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Rose Malfoy

Slytherin had won the game last night. It was a first in a long while and they only won by a few points. They had a little party after, but I just went to my dorm, tired and not really knowing what to do after what I had realized. 

I wasn't shocked about it. I was just scared. 

Pansy and Scarlett had already gotten their outfits for the ball. Pansy informed me that she got a white suit, which was funny because Scarlett had gotten a black one. Great minds really do think alike.

Blaise didn't stay over last night, but he had come by and we just talked and cuddled. He taught me a few more terms in Italian and when it got late, he kissed me goodnight and went to his own dorm. 

The girls came barging in, waking me up. It was only 9 am and in came the Slytherin girls, jumping onto my bed and jolting me awake. 

"Come on, you have to get up!" Astoria whined, laying down on top of me. I just shoved my head back into my pillow. "You and I are the last ones to get dresses. Come onnnnnn" 

"It's too early. Go away." I groaned into my pillow, hearing Scarlett and Pansy laugh. 

"We should call Mumsy. She'll wake her up" Scarlett said with a giggle. 

"If you call my mother, you won't stay over ever again." I sat up, rolling Astoria off of me.

Truth was, my mother was the only one who could ever wake me up. In the mornings, she was scary. You either get up or get thrown into the pool. I'd rather wake up. Scarlett was also the only one who ever watched my mother throw me into the pool. That's why she uses my mother's name to wake me up, she knows that'll do the trick. 

I rolled my eyes and got out of bed, walking over to my dresser and grabbing out some clothes, and walking into the bathroom. 


My arm was wrapped into Astoria's and Scarlett had hers around Pansy's neck, their fingers intertwined. 

We all swayed slightly as we made our way around Hogsmeade, wondering if we wanted to stop for a snack or to just go shopping. From a distance, the boys were seen walking into the Quidditch shop, smiles on their faces as they laughed. 

Astoria tugged at my arm "You okay?" She asked, looking where I was and then seeing what I saw "Ah yes, our boys together and happy" She chuckled "Come on" 

She tugged us away, Pansy and Scarlett were a little further ahead which gave Astoria and me time to talk. I wanted to talk to her about Blaise, but I really had something else on my mind. "Do you love Draco?"

She took a few seconds and then answered "I don't want you to think that I'm taking your brother from yo-" 

"Oh no!" I stopped her, pulling her closer to me for reassurance. "I don't think you're taking him from me" I chuckled "I can just see in his eyes that he loves you and I just don't want to see him get broken."

"Well, I can assure you" She smiled "I love Draco. I do." 

My heart leaped at her words. I knew that Draco had strong feelings towards her and I've noticed the way that he looks at her. Draco has finally found someone for him. I was happy for my brother and my newfound best friend. 

"So, are you going to be a Malfoy?" I joked, poking her side as we walked and came closer to the store. 

"Are you going to be a Zabini?" She joked back and I stalled.

Blaise's face came into mind. The way that he looked around the room until he spotted me and his eyes just stayed there. The way that his cheeks bunched up every time that I smiled at him. The way he would look away, down and shy, when I mentioned something cute about him. 

I wasn't the only one who was in love. 

Blaise was too. And I saw that now.

"Do you love him?" Astoria broke the silence, looking at me. 

I smiled and looked back at the shop the boys had walked into. Blaise was by the window and he grabbed a book then looked up and met my eyes. Instantly, his lips upturned as he waved. "Yeah. I love him." 

"Hurry up, slowpokes!" Pansy shouted, "We haven't got all day!" 

Astoria and I laughed, jogging a bit to catch up to our friends. 

We entered the store, a little bell ringing as the door opened and then shut. We all walked up and down isles of dresses, looking for the perfect dress for Astoria and or me. 

There were a few dresses that looked absolutely ghastly and Pansy and Scarlett being who they are, picked them up, and made fun of them.  

I came across a beautiful red dress that fell off the shoulders and flowed the rest of the way down. It came in at the waist and showed off the curves of the girl who bought it. 

"Hey, Astoria" I called, pulling the dress from the rack and holding it in front of me. "I found a dress I think you'll like." 

"What is it?" She came around the corner and looked at the dress I was holding up. "Merlin, that's beautiful. Thank you" She took the dress and looked at it some more. 

I kept looking through all of the racks for a dress that would look nice on me. I couldn't find one. I told Astoria to try on her dress and that id be fine and I could have my mother order me something, but she insisted that we find a dress today and get them together. 

"Well shit" Pansy breathed put from the rack on the other side of me. "Astoria, Scarlett. Come look at this." She said, not including my name. 

"What's up?" I asked, looking over the rack and trying to see the dress but Pansy pulled the dress away, making me unable to see. 

I heard a few whispers between the girls and then Scarlett smirked and motions for me to come over. 

Pansy held up a dress that could take everyone's breath away. 

I took it, trying it on with Astoria, and we both confirmed that the two dresses we found were the ones. 

His Rose. // Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now