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Rose Malfoy

I stood next to my mother, helping her prepare dinner. Every time that I glanced over at that one part of the counter, my heart fluttered and the butterflies danced in my stomach.

Blaise and Draco left early this morning. They went into town to go to the quidditch store to pick up a few things. Astoria and I stayed here, getting things ready for dinner.

My father was coming home from his trip and, as usual, everything needed to be perfect.

"The cookies were good" My mother spoke and I choked, "A little burnt, but still good."

Astoria snickered from across the room where she was setting the table. I glared at her and she held in a laugh.

Normally the house-elves would work on dinner and set up but when my father isn't here, my mother likes to do it. She always has us help her and she constantly talks about how this is the real way to do it; to leave the house-elves alone, and I completely agree with her.

"Well, I'm glad that you like them." I closed my eyes and tried not to think about last night. The sound of the front door opening, and the voices of Draco and Blaise, came from the other room.

"They were busier than usual," Draco said as they both walked into the room.

"Probably because they are going out of business and everything is on sale." Blaise came over to me, wrapping his arm around my waist "Hello, love." He kissed my cheek.

"The quidditch shop is closing down?" My mother asked, continuing to chop the onions. The boys both nodded sadly "Well I'll figure something out."

My father had come home but went straight to his study, not caring about stopping to say hello. Soon enough, dinner was ready and the table was set. My mother told me to go and get my father and so I did, reluctantly.

I knocked on his door and it opened, him looking over papers and putting them into different stacks on his desk. "What do you want?" he spoke and didn't lookup.

"Dinner's ready, sir," I replied, standing up straight as he looked at me.

"Thank you. You can go now." His hand motioned for me to leave and I did, the door slamming shut behind me. He never wanted me in his presence for long.

I went back to the dining room and sat next to Blaise, Draco and Astoria across from us and my mother at one end of the table. After about five minutes later, my father came in and sat at the other end of the table.

My father had talked to everyone and asked them about school, all except me. That was normal. I just sat in my seat, picking at my food and pushing it around my plate.

I hated when my father came home. He never paid attention to me anymore. Before Hogwarts; before I was sorted, he would take me out to the garden and we'd play tag or he would help me find the flowers from my nature book and we'd examine them together. Then, I was sorted into Hufflepuff and he wanted nothing to do with me.

He seemed to have nothing to do with anyone lately and it killed me. He was gone a lot more which I liked but it was different. Something was up and it seemed like no one noticed but me.

I jumped slightly as I felt a cold hand on my thigh and I looked down and noticed that it was Blaise's. He must've noticed how I felt because when I looked up, he was looking at me with a warm smile.

Everyone was talking and he leaned in "It's okay. Just forget about him." He squeezed my thigh and I nodded.

He looked around at everyone and then his eyes landed on mine. His lips grazed my ear as he whispered "May I?" His hand moved further up my thigh and stopped after a second. I breathed out and nodded.

His Rose. // Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now