just the beginning.

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Rose Malfoy

I felt the covers being lifted and the bed sinking next to me. I rolled over and opened my eyes, seeing Blaise climb back into bed. 

"Hey" I rasped out "What time is it?" I asked, Blaise covering himself up and pulling me close to him again. 

"About 6:30," he replied. 

I furrowed my brows and sat up, rubbing my eyes and trying to clear the fog from my head. "Why are you up so early?" He looked at me, his mouth gaped just a bit as he thought of what to say. "Blaise?" 

"I'll tell you in the morning." He said, laying down and trying to pull me close but I pulled away. 

"It is morning. Tell me." I spoke, my brain finally waking up. 

"Rose. I want to but I don't know how." He sat up, grabbing my hand and playing with my fingers. 

I didn't know what he meant. He seemed hurt like it was something hard to tell me. The worst thing that could happen came to my mind and I freaked out, ripping my hand away. 


"Tell me it's not what I think..." My voice shook slightly. Just the other day he was talking about living together. Sure, we were having a moment, but he seemed to mean it. 

"No! Oh, fuck no!" His voice raised, him cupping my face and making me look at him. "I would never do that to you. You mean way too much to me. I wouldn't ever do that." 

"So you didn't cheat?" I looked into his eyes, seeing him panic. But I also saw the truth. If he didn't cheat, then why was he panicking?

"There is absolutely no good way to tell you this." His hands went down my shoulders, ghosting my arms. He then grabbed my hands "I walked around the manor for a bit and ran into Astoria..." My heart was beating faster at every word that he spoke. "We then saw your father with another woman..." 

My heart dropped and everything went blurry. His voice, my sight. Everything. I couldn't speak and didn't even know what to think. My father was the worst, and I didn't really like him... but he was still my father. 

"You're sure?" I squeaked out "You saw her? You saw them get intimate?" 

"I didn't hear them, but Astoria did. We both saw them kiss too." He replied, squeezing my hands harder. 

"I knew something was up. I had a feeling that something was going on but I couldn't put my finger on it." I spoke my mind, not really thinking about it. "Why did he do it?"

"People do stupid things" Blaise answered, putting his finger under my chin and lifting my head to look at him "And he's obviously stupid." 

I chuckled. A tear, that I didn't know I had, fell from my eye and he quickly wiped it. "Is Astoria telling Draco?" 

He nodded "And then we were going to figure out how to tell your mother together because it's going to hit her the most." 

"Well obviously. He's her husband and she loves him." I shook my head "I can't believe this." 

"Neither can I. But all we can do is go to sleep and see how tomorrow goes." He said, laying down and opening his arm for me to lay on his chest. 

I held him close and closed my eyes. Blaise was right. We just had to wait for tomorrow to see what else was going to happen. 


"Blaise, Rose! Wake up or I'll throw you both in the pool!" My mother yelled, banging on the door. 

Blaise groaned and pushed me away from him but as soon as he realized he was pushing me away, he pulled me close again. I chuckled and tried to free myself from his hold but it was absolutely helpless. 

He grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles and up my arm to my shoulder. He slowed down, sucking on my skin when he got to my neck. He took my skin in between his teeth and bit down, making me gasp and moan. My hand went to his stomach where I traced his abs and moved my hand lower... But Draco had to ruin the moment. 

"Can we come in?" He spoke and I groaned. 

"Sure" I pulled myself away from Blaise as Astoria and Draco walked in, shutting the door behind them. 

"Astoria told me-" 

"Blaise told me too." I stopped him, looking at my fingers and picking at them. "She's going to break." 

"Yeah," Draco replied, him looking down and doing the same thing. 

We were all silent. If you focused hard enough, you could hear us breathing. A pin would drop and you would be able to hear the thin and tiny piece of metal clinking on the wooden floor. Nothing moved but our chest. It was truly dead in here in my room. 

"We could-" Astoria tried to speak but something from downstairs startled us. 

We all quickly stood up and walked out of my room and down the stairs. When we looked over the railing, my father stood in the sitting room with packed bags. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. 

"I told you I'm leaving." He said In a deadpan tone, looking my mother in the eyes as she tried her hardest not to let the tears that were visible fall. 

"Why? You won't tell me why and I deserve to know!" She demanded, taking a step closer. "Tell me why you're leaving." 

"Because I don't love you, I love her." He turned and walked to the door, looking at all of us who stood there on the steps. 

Draco and I were crying. We were literally watching our family fall apart. It didn't matter if we didn't like our father, what hurt the most was that there was actually nothing we could do to fix our family now. 

"I never thought you were a disgrace, Rose. I apologize for all of the rude things I said to you. And Draco, thank you for standing up for your sister." My father said with no expression on his face at all. 

He said nothing more as he turned and walked out of the house.

My mother fell to her knees and I ran down the stairs and fell to her side, Draco doing the same. Blaise and Astoria came over too, kneeling in front of her. 

She was sobbing as Draco and I was crying. "Why? Who is 'she'?" 

"Mum-" I tried to say but looked to Blais. 

"We saw Lucius last night, here with another woman." He finished for me, my heart beating faster at the words. 

My mother let out another sob and I didn't know what to do but cry with her and rub her back. Draco was doing the same thing. Blaise had his hand on my lower back as I tried to comfort my mother. 

A few minutes had passed and my mother had calmed down a little. She stood up and went to her room. She said she was going to take a bath but I knew that she was going to do that and drink. When she got stressed, she drank. 

We all stood up and sat on the couch, nobody saying anything. 

"So I'm guessing Christmas is canceled?" Draco said with a sad chuckle. He was just trying to lighten the mood. 

I nodded "We can do it at school or something." 

Everyone nodded and we sat there for a little longer, just drowning in our thoughts. 

Everything was changing and this was just the beginning. 

His Rose. // Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now