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Blaise Zabini

I couldn't sleep last night. The thought of tears streaming down her face because of the pain that someone had caused her, hurt me. It infuriated me that someone could do such a thing. Rose didn't deserve to feel the way that she did and all because of his unwanted hands. She deserves so much more than that.

Classes dragged today, not seeing Draco or Rose. Draco had mentioned how they were doing a sibling day to take her mind off of things. It was a good idea.

I stood in front of my mirror, looking down at my left forearm. The scars were memories that I built walls around. Walls that hid them so that I didn't have to see them. People are right when they say it takes years to build a skyscraper. That's what my walls were... walls of a skyscraper that hid the demons.

The lines were faded, but not gone. When I had first done it, at age twelve, the pain had taken the thoughts away and so I did it every time.

A year clean now. A year free from having to cause pain to get rid of it.

A knock sounded from my door and I quickly grabbed my wand, saying a charm to hide the scars. No one knew but me and Draco.

I sighed and took a step out of my bathroom, walking closer to my door and hoping that it was Rose.

I knew she needed time and so I just waited until she was ready.


Rose Malfoy

I took a deep breath as I heard his footsteps grow closer to the door. I was such an idiot for acting the way that I had towards him. I was such an idiot that I didn't take the to think about what I had said and to take in what he was trying to say.

The doorknob turned and I looked up, watching the door slowly open and seeing him standing in a white t-shirt and his famous black joggers. It was funny, really because I was still wearing his sweatshirt and a pair of his sweatpants.

"Hi" I whispered, wanting to run into his arms and apologize for yesterday. But I couldn't because I didn't know if he wanted that.

"Come in," he said, moving out of the way and motioning for me to come in.

He shut the door, leaning against it as I stood in the middle of his room, the smell of him all around. I was safe.

I turned, looking at him and into his brown irises. Blaise was tired. He didn't sleep last night and I could tell. His eye bags were darker and his eyes were droopy, looking for sleep. I felt terrible.

"I'm sorry," I said, biting back tears. "I said some things that I shouldn't have and I pushed you away, scared that you hated me. There's no excuse, really. I just- I just pushed you away."

Blaise didn't say anything as he came closer to me, taking my hands in his and bringing the backs of them up to his lips. He kissed each one of my knuckles on my left and right hand, squeezing them when he was done.

"And you don't have to do that, Amore Mio." he dropped my hands and brought his up to my cheek, his thumb tracing my cheekbone. "Even when you push me away, I'll still be here."

A tear had slipped from my eye and landed on my cheek. He kissed it away, looking down at me with a light smile.

He was a sweet soul with a tender heart. He was understanding and also caring about nothing but me and showing that he'd always be there. I love him.

"You stole my clothes?" he smirked, looking at the clothing I was basically swimming in.

"I feel safe with some part of you around. Even if it's your clothes and the smell of you." I smiled sheepishly as I brought my arms up and around his neck. His went around my waist and he picked me up quickly, a laugh leaving my lips "Blaise!"

"Stay with me tonight. Please?" he asked, pouting his bottom lip.

I wanted to stay, I really did. But I didn't want Draco to think that anything was up. I had a feeling that he was catching on and I wanted that, we wanted that. I missed waking up to Blaises' arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him before we had to get out of bed. I missed his head on my chest where he would listen to my heartbeat as he fell into a dreamless sleep. I missed him.

"Okay." I nodded with a smile as he brought us over to his bed, laying me down and then crawling into bed next to me. 

Blaise wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him, my head on his chest. His heartbeat was steady as I closed my eyes and listened closely to the beat in his chest that sounded like a small thud each time that it pumped the blood through his body. 

His hands made their way to my hair, playing with it and twirling it around his fingers. He would bring his hand up to my head and massage lightly and then run his fingers through my blonde locks. 

His breathing was smooth against the top of my head and I wrapped my arms around his waist and squeezed him, wanting to be as close as I could be. 

"You're not easy." he chuckled and I felt him shake his head. I opened my eyes and looked up at him through my eyelashes. "You are everything but easy, Rose. You're beautiful, smart, amazing, funny-" 

"Okay, you can stop." I smiled, sitting up and kissing his lips. But as I did so he kept going.

"-Caring, *kiss* my love, *kiss* my baby, *kiss* my home..." He spoke as I kept pecking his lips as he talked. 

"You, Rose Malfoy, are my literal everything," Blaise said, kissing my lips but longer this time. 

Tingles ran through my lips and down the rest of my body, like a drug-taking over my bloodstream having me live off of only him and not wanting anything else but him. 

He was my everything.

His Rose. // Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now