dancing in the rain.

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Rose Malfoy

One week later.

I sat on my hospital bed, crisscrossed and Blaise sat across from me. I hadn't told him how bad everything got while he was gone.

"Rose," he said and I looked at him, putting a spoonful of applesauce in my mouth. "What all happened while I was gone?"

I gulped and put down my bowl, looking at him. I didn't want to do this, but I had to.

"I tried some drugs, used them to cope..." I said, him sitting there and listening. "I started to lose weight and it just got really bad. I went to look for a book and I found you..." I stopped, repeating the words he had said in my head...

'I love her, not you.'

I knew he didn't mean it, but it still killed me.

"You said some things and I went back to my dorm and accidentally overdosed while carving your initials off my hip," I said that last part quickly, hoping he didn't hear. But he did.

"You what?" His eyes went wide.

"I was high off my ass and was breaking down... I didn't think about what I was doing. All I knew was that I wanted you gone. Every bit of you." I looked down, messing with my fingers "But then the dream I had... It kept me here."

I remembered Ace and Nova. Their angelic voices and their smiles. The way that they looked at me and asked me not to cross over... they kept me here; they made me believe that life was worth living.

"What dream?" he asked, taking my hands in his.

I shrugged "I don't know if I can say. I know I sound fucking crazy-" I chuckled "But I stayed just because of that. And-" I looked at him "I wouldn't have left without a goodbye."

Blaise took his hand and put it on my cheek. I leaned into it, feeling his skin on mine.

Now, I never really believed that you could miss someone's touch so much, but you really can. His voice. I missed his voice and the way that he spoke to me. The way that the words 'Amore Mio' rolled off of his tongue, the way that he would kiss me goodnight and say that he'd see me in the morning... I missed it.

But most of all, I missed having him next to me. I missed when he would randomly grab my hand and kiss my knuckles; take my wrist and tug me into an empty corridor just to say that he hopes my classes are going well. I missed the way he would sneak up on me and throw his arm around my shoulder, kissing my cheek and making sure that Draco didn't see.

I missed him.

And now I had him back.

"Afternoon." My mother walked into the room, a smile on her face.

My mother comes here every day, bringing a bag of random things. Games, food, books. Whatever you can think of. The doctors won't let me go back to school until I've been here for two weeks. They want to make sure that I won't try and do drugs again. They also want to make sure that I won't have another manic episode like last time.

"Hi, mum." I smiled as she sat her stuff down in the chair and she came and walked over to me. A few minutes later and everyone else walked in.

"Roseee" Pansy screeched and Scarlett grabbed her by her hair, pulling her back and telling her to be quiet.

"Where's Astor-" I asked, but she interrupted.

"I'm here." She came walking in with a cake. "We thought we could come and bring you guys something... Considering you guys are back together." She smiled.

"It was Mum's idea." Draco groaned and we all laughed.

"Well, thanks I guess." I smiled and sat further back on my bed, Blaise coming and sitting right next to me.

He wrapped his hand around my waist and rested it on my hip. I winced and he quickly removed his hand. "I'm sorry."

I shook my head "It's okay."

He nodded and then rested his hand on my thigh, rubbing it up and down.

Everyone started to dish out the cake and we laughed as we made conversation, thinking about times from when we were little and things that we wanted to happen in the future.

"Well, I better be getting grandkids from both of you." She said pointing to both Draco and me. "And you." She pointed to Scarlett "If you and Pansy don't adopt some then I'm throwing a fit."

"Mum-" I said but she stopped me.

"It's true! All I want is to spoil them." She smiled "I'm a single mother who wants grandkids, is that so bad to ask?"

We all shook our head no and laughed.

She deserved it.

I looked at Blaise one last time and he smiled at me.

I had my love back.


Everyone was gone and the halls were empty. Blaise and I were on a late-night walk when he grabbed my hand and started to tug me away. I tried to pull away from his grasp and go back to my room with him, but he wouldn't let go.

I sighed "Blaise, it's raining and we're going to get caught..." I tugged at him as he tried to lead me out of the hospital and to the courtyard.

He looked back at me full of never-ending love and smiled. "I promised that I'd dance in the rain with you, didn't I?"

I smiled, my heart beating faster with the longer he looked at me.

After a month of him being gone and having his mind taken over, he's here with me now and fulfilling his promise.

He tugged at my hand once again and this time, I followed him.

We pushed open the doors and ran to the middle of the courtyard, the rain soaking us as it poured down.

Blaise pulled me close to him, his right hand interlocking with my left and his left hand resting on my right hip as I brought my right hand up and rested it on his shoulder.

We swayed together without any music, my head resting on his chest as his cheek rested on the top of my head.

His heartbeat was at a steady pace whereas mine was beating out of control. There was no reason to it, but if there had to be a reason... it was because I was dancing with the love of my life.

"I love you." He said, taking his hand out of mine and lifting my chin. "So fucking much." He swallowed, trying to stop his voice from cracking. "And as soon as I can, I'll marry you. But first, I think we should graduate."

We both chuckled and I cupped his face, resting his forehead on mine. "I love you. You're my future Blaise and I wouldn't want it to be anyone else."

I pulled his lips down to mine and connected them.

And once again, I was home. And this time... it was for good.

His Rose. // Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now