hold me.

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Blaise Zabini

I couldn't sleep. I wanted to be next to her and make sure that no one touched her. I wanted to make sure that she was safe.

So, I got up, threw on some sweats, and headed to the infirmary.


Rose Malfoy

I opened my eyes and I noticed I was in a dark room. There were a few candles lit, but not many. Flashbacks started appearing in my mind.

His lips on my skin without permission. His hands on my body without permission.

I felt disgusted with myself. I let it happen.

I thought I was smarter than that... to not leave my drink with someone. It's something that Draco has told me many times at parties.

I failed this time.

Tears streamed from my eyes as I traced my fingers over the parts that he had touched.


I heard the door creak open and then close. Footsteps came closer and closer as I pulled the covers over me, waiting for something bad to happen again.

I don't know what happened to Theo. I don't know where he is. I don't know who all knows what happened.

My ears pick up on the motions the person is making and I hear the chair move closer to the bed. The person tried to grab my hand, but I rip it away, sitting up and backing away from them.

When my eyes lock onto him, I feel safe.

"When did you wake up?" Blaise asks, standing and walking closer to my face, wiping the tears.

I'm sure he's disgusted with me now.

I pull my face away from his hand and he nods, sitting back down.

"He's not coming back. He's expelled." He says quietly and some weight lifts but not all.

Without me noticing, my hands are still tracing my neck and hip. Blaise takes my hand in his and looks deep into my eyes.

Something is hidden. Blocked off. A secret that no one knows.

"Don't trace them. It'll make you feel worse" he takes a seat next to me on the bed, not letting go of my hand.

His touch is warm and comforting.

I remember this one time...

"You're a disgrace! You know better than to talk to me girl. Get out!" my father yelled at me as I asked him to sign my Hogsmeade slip my third year.

Draco and Blaise were also there, sitting at the island and eating. Mother was gone shopping with a friend.

I knew it was a risk to ask my father but I hoped it would've gone differently.

I ran out of the room and to the library. The place I know where I'm safe.

I sat in the seating area, my head on my knees, crying.

Always, I wanted to be loved by my father. There is no explanation as to why I'm the only Malfoy to ever end up in Hufflepuff.

My mother says I get it from her side of the family. My cousin, Tonks, was a Hufflepuff.

"Rose" his angelic voice rang through the library.

"O-Over here" I shouted back, stuttering.

Blaise turned the corner and looked at my tear-stained face. He walked closer to me and when he was in the reach to hear my faint whisper, I said "Hold me"

He did. With no hesitation at all.

He sat next to me on the couch and pulled me into him. He played with my hair and hummed, sometimes his fingers leaving my hair and tracing down my arm.

I looked up to the much older boy as I cried again from the memory.

We weren't that close anymore. And it hurt. I wanted to be that close to him.

"Hold me." I whispered, his eyes shooting to mine "Please"

"Always for you, love"

He crawled up next to me as I moved over, giving him room.

When he laid down and got comfortable, I rested my head on his chest, lifting my thigh to rest over him.

I didn't think about what I was doing. It was something I always did.

I played with the strings of his hoodie, listening to his heartbeat as he played with my hair and rubbed circles on my uncovered knee.

"I'm sorry about the bruises" His voice was low.

"It's not your fault. They'll go away."

"Not the ones from him. The ones from me. From when we were in the library" his voice shook. "I didn't mean to. There's just- things that- I don't know. They happen and I can't really control it."

"It's fine, Blaise. We're both sexually deprived. I understand." I watched as his thumb rubbed my knee.

"Yeah. That's what it is." his voice was a breath, sounding sad like he was trying to convince himself.

We laid there. In the silence. Nothing but our breathing and bodies touching.

It felt different than it did before. Perhaps it was my feelings for him. Since I had finally noticed them, touches with him were more heightened.

"Mi sento cosí tanto per te, Rose" (I feel so much for you) He whispered.

I sat up and looked at him, my eyebrows furrowed.

He knew that I wouldn't understand what he said. He spoke Italian and I didn't. He knew that I didn't like it when he said something I couldn't translate.

"Don't do that. You know I don't like not knowing what you said" I pulled on his hoodie strings and then let go, them falling back down onto his chest.

He raised his hand and rested it on my cheek as he sat up on his elbow.

Like he did in July.

My heart started to palpitate as his thumb moved up and down my cheekbone.

"I guess you'll just have to find out" Shyly, he smiled. Standing from the bed, he looked at me "I'll see you tomorrow."

And so he left, leaving my cheek and body cold.

I felt complete with Blaise next to me.

What did he say?

I'll have to find out.

His Rose. // Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now