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A/N: Once again, may mumsy rest in peace beautifully :( /*


Rose Malfoy

I yawned as I stepped onto the train, handing the guy my bag and walking to the back of the train where me and the others normally sat. 

I gasped as I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me into another compartment, closing the door right behind him. I turned around, putting my hands on my hips as I looked at him with a glare from the sudden surprise. 

Yesterday was the Yule Ball and Blaise had stayed after but woke up early to go to his dorm and pack. I haven't seen him since he left, though. His touch still lingered on my body slightly.

"You could've said hi before pulling me away and giving me a heart attack." I groaned. 

He walked closer to me, his hands on my waist as he pulled me to him, and kissed my nose "I know but I kind of wanted to scare you too." He snickered, kissing my lips real quick. "I'm going to miss you." 

"You act like you're not going to come over at all." I chuckled, pulling away from him and walking to the blinds to pull them down as more people walked by. 

"That's the thing. I actually want to try and stay with my mum and see how everything is." He sat down and I followed, sitting next to him. "I just hope she actually pays attention to me this time." 

That's the thing about Blaise's mother. She's never really there. Physically, yes. But not mentally. She used to give Blaise so much attention and she used to show love to him, but in second year, when his mother remarried for the sixth time, she stopped paying attention to him. No matter what holiday it was or anytime at all, Blaise was always at our Manor. Yes, he still stayed with his mother for a bit but not for long.

"Well," I grabbed his hand and squeezed "Your room is always ready." 

"Thanks." He whispered and leaned his head in and kissed my lips, locking them for longer this time. 

I felt a rush of everything negative leave me as our lips moved. It was something that I'll never get over. I loved it. I loved him. 

We heard someone tug at the compartment door and we jumped away and up, unlocking it and opening it to see Pansy and Scarlett. 

"Found them." Scarlett chuckled. 

"How was the fuck?" Pansy joked, raising an eyebrow. 

I pushed her out of the way and rolled my eyes with a laugh and walked to the compartment that we were all now heading towards. 

We all sat down and started small conversation as the train took off to take us home.


The train stopped and everyone stood up and walked out. Blaise and I stayed back for a little bit as everyone else got off of the train. 

"I'll see you soon, princess," Blaise said as his hand lifted my chin and he kissed my lips, a smile forming on both of our faces as he pulled away. 

"Okay. I love you." I said as I backed away and out of the compartment. 

"I love you more," he whispered and I left, walking off the train and over to my mother. 

I wanted to tell my mother about Blaise and me, get her thoughts about telling Draco. She'd know what to do and how to say it. 

I ran over to her, seeing Blaise out of the corner of my eye apparate home since his mother didn't show. I felt bad because I didn't want him to get his hopes up with her truly sticking around in his life. But he knew better. He was strong and knew that Draco and I are always here for him. 

"There's my little Hufflepuff" My mother smiled and pulled me into a bone-crushing hug, Draco and Astoria were standing next to us. Astoria was going to stay a few days and then go to her house. 

"Mum," I said as I interlocked her hand with mine, getting ready to apparate back home. "Can we talk when we get home?" 

"Of course" She smiled and with a twist, we were gone. 


My trunk was sitting on my bed, open as I went through clothes and unpacked everything. I took all of my bathroom supplies and put them on the counter in my bathroom. 

I stopped and looked in the mirror for a little, rolling down the waistband of my sweatpants that I had changed into, and smiled at the white and bumpy lines that had spelled out 'B.Z.' on my hip. My fingers grazed over the letters and I shivered at the memory of him marking me. 

I heard a knock at my door and rolled up my waistband and walked out into my room. 

My mother stood leaning against the doorframe with a smile on her face as she looked at me. I motioned for her to come in and she did, sitting on my bed and watching me walk back and forth as I put clothes from my trunk into my dresser. 

"How are things?" She asked, looking through my jewelry and grabbing the tangled necklaces, and untangling them to busy herself. 

"They're good. Draco's good, Blaise is good, everyone's good." I nodded. 

"Anything new?" She looked up at me like she knew something. 

"Yes, actually." I gulped, not really sure how to approach her with this. "How do you think Draco will react to me telling him Blaise and I are dating?" I asked, figuring she knew it was him but her expression showed something totally different. 

"You're kidding?" my mum gaped at me as she stopped messing with my tangled necklace. "I saw a new glow in you and figured you were dating someone but I never thought it was Blaise!" 

"You're mad, aren't you?" I dropped my hands, feeling myself start to shake on the inside, worried that she was mad because it seemed like she was. Or she was just in shock. I never knew. 

"Of course not! You two have always been so close so I had figured something was to happen in the future. Anyways, tell me how it happened; how you two made it official." She kneed and so I told her. 

Not everything, of course. That'd be weird; telling my mother that we had hooked up and then decided to keep it a secret. But I did tell her about the few times we had kissed and then asking him had just slipped. Because it had. I had called him my boyfriend but we weren't even that yet, and then we were. 

"Young love is so beautiful" She smiled "I honestly want you two to get married, but that's my opinion. Swear, you would make the cutest babies and I'd be the best grandmother ever." She chuckled. 

I picked up my pillow and threw it at her "What?!" She asked, throwing it back at me. 

"We're seventeen. You're crazy for thinking about that already." I shook my head, putting my pillow back. "But seriously. How will Draco react?" 

"Well," She sat up and took a deep breath. "He might be a little iffy about it at first, but I'm sure that he'll warm up to it. After all, Blaise is his best friend and you are his twin." 

Astoria then walked into the room and closed the door, joining my mum on the bed. "Hey," She said with a smile. "Draco's taking a nap and I figured I come and hang out. What are we talking about?" 

"Rose was asking how Draco would react to her and Blaise." My mother answered for me. Her tone sounded as though she was wondering if Astoria knew. 

"He's fine with it, I'm sure. He did say that Blaise is the only guy that he'd really allow you to date." She shrugged and I felt relieved. 

While Draco slept, we girls sat in my room and laughed as we told my mother the things that had happened so far this year. 

What I didn't know was that the year would take such a turn right after the Christmas holiday. 

His Rose. // Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now