lies and feelings.

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A/N: Hello my loves. So sorry for the slow updates. This is not a normal thing. I promise that I am trying. Lame chapter but next chapter will be better. Thank you all for everything. 6K Reads! Thank you. I love you! I also didn't know what to name this chapter lol.


Rose Malfoy

Lunch was normal. Just like every other meal. Draco and Blaise talked about Quidditch the whole time, some ideas about a party were thrown into the conversation, but it was all the same. 

The girls kept giving me looks and eventually, Scarlett told us that we have to meet in my dorm right after. 

I couldn't say no. 

We stood up from the table and Blaise leaned down and whispered in my ear while Draco was distracted "Sneak over later?" It was a question instead of a demand and it was sweet. His voice was soft and angelic, not because it was a whisper, but because it was Blaise. 

"Of course" I snuck in a quick peck to his cheek and that's when there was a tug on my arm and I was dragged out of the great hall. 

Pansy was the one that had grabbed me as Scarlett and Astoria laughed the whole way up to my dorm. 

I was happy. I was in that stage where everything was okay, for now, and I didn't have to worry about anything. I was free. 

We got to the tower and I said the password, running through the common room and to my dorm where I shut the door quickly and locked it. 

"Okay okay! Tell us!" Scarlett squealed and I muttered a silencing charm. 

I'm not one for gossip. I like to keep things to myself. But these were my girls and they deserved to know. After all, they were the ones who helped make it happen.

"Did you guys fuck?" Astoria asked.

"Did you ride him like-" I stopped Pansy before she could go on. 

"You guys are too much sometimes" I chuckled, taking a seat on my bed as everyone followed. 

And so I told them everything. From when I first walked in, to him kissing me in the corridor. I didn't give them details on the act that we did, that's for me and Blaise only, but I did tell them that we did it. 

"And what was the thing in the hallway before lunch?" Astoria asked with a smirk on her lips. 

I smiled as they all listened intently, "It's a secret, of course, but we're together." They all jumped up and so did I "But you can't tell anyone or even talk about it without a silencing charm! My brother will kill me and Blaise" 

"What did we tell you?" Scarlett wrapped her arms around my neck. 

"Don't say it. Please" I scrunched up my eyes, waiting for it. 

"We told you sooo" She sing-songed and I chuckled. 

They're way more excited about this than I am. But maybe it hasn't sunk in yet. Or maybe it's because I have this feeling in my gut. 


Blaise Zabini

She's mine. Rose Malfoy is mine. After so long of wanting her and wishing for her to be closer to me than just friends, it's happened. 

The girls knew. 

At lunch, Pansy looked at me and mouthed 'Told you so'. 

There was no secret about this new relationship. 

Except that Draco didn't know. 

"What's that on your neck?" Draco asked.

I brought my hand up and rubbed the spot Draco pointed at, smiling on the inside. 

"Hookup last night" I lied. 

"Who was it? You never let people leave marks on you because... well you know?" 

I felt small. 

He was right. I didn't allow it and I didn't like it. I hated marks. But from Rose... it was different. She wasn't marking me in a negative way. 

"Just a Ravenclaw" lie, "Told her not to. She didn't listen. Never again" 

All he did was shake his head as we walked through the common room and went to his room to calm down and chill out. 

I could tell that something was on his mind. Something stuck on his heart. "You okay?" I asked, sitting down on the couch in his room. 

He sighed "I have this twin feeling. Like Rose is keeping something from me. Has she talked to you about anything?" 


"Not that I can think of" Lies are all that's coming out of my mouth and I feel terrible about it. 

He nods "Do you think she's doing okay? With the whole Nott thing? Am I being too protective?"

"She's doing fine and I won't let the Nott thing get to her. I get it you love her and don't want anything to happen to her, but maybe giving her a little slack would be nice." I lean onto my knees. Might as well shoot since we're on the topic "Let her date." 

"It's not that I don't want her to date. It's the fact that I don't want what has already happened to happen to her." 

"And you can interrogate the guy or whatever. Just- let her be. Let her live" 

"Let's start small then. She can come to parties." He smiled. 

"Merlin you sound like a dad" we chuckled and then just sat there. 

Draco grabbed out a few pieces of parchment and started to work ahead on some school. 

He brought it up. He knows that it's a sensitive topic for me, but why wouldn't it be. Everything is racing through my mind. The thoughts of every single thing. 

"I'm sorry I brought it up. Stop thinking about it" Draco broke my trance at the wall. "It's not good and you know that. You coming for Christmas." 

"Maybe. My mum has a Christmas surprise" I threw my hands up and shook them. 

"Well, you're always welcomed" 

"I know" I replied.

He's my best friend. Even though the thoughts don't go away fully, they do for a little. 

His Rose. // Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now