why this and why that.

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Rose Malfoy

Sighing, I opened the doors of the library and made my way to the back, not ready for this project.

The library was completely empty. No one but me and Madam Pince insight.

"There you are" She smiled, handing me some keys. "Give these to Blaise. He knows what to do." She smiled grabbing her bag and sending me a smile that I never ever see on her face.

She's a bitch and yells at everyone for even sneezing. She's mad I swear. How Blaise got on her good side is a mystery.

I made my way to the back of the Library where no one really goes. It's dark and always dusty but as I approached it, there was a lamp, a tiny cabinet with a lock on it, a table, and a chair. There wasn't any dust in this one little corner and it was nice, clean, and perfect.

"Done glancing around?" His voice rang through my ears as my eyes met his, seeing the dark brown, almost black, circle around his iris.

My eyes examined him more as I noticed he was in more comfortable clothing. Black joggers with a Slytherin hoodie. His bag hung over his shoulder, his hands in his pants pockets.

My breath hitched as I looked around his face to see his sharp jawline, tall cheekbones, slanted eyes.

And then my eyes met his lips. His plump lips.

I watched as he stuck out his tongue and wettened them and there was that feeling again. The one in my stomach that made me want to shake and run straight for him.

"Malfoy," he said and my eyes went to his. "Let's get this started"

I nodded and he walked to the table and set his bag on it, pulling everything out.

I watched as his long fingers danced across the different sheets of parchment paper, reading and organizing them. His rings shined in the light and the thoughts that came to mind, watching his veins... not that. Not at all.

His hands wrapped around my throat tightly, almost cutting off my breathing as the rings sunk deep, cold on my warm fle-

"Can you stop zoning out for twenty minutes!?" His voice raised, making me jump a bit.

I remembered the keys and walked closer to him, his eyes met mine as I slowly ascended him. I watched as he gulped at the close proximity. We weren't even that close.

I handed him the keys and he mumbled "Thanks Malfoy"

"When did we start the last name basis?" I asked, pushing aside the papers and jumping onto the table.

The coldness on the surface I was now sitting on, hit the back of my thighs, since I was wearing shorts, made me shiver.

He shrugged, looking away.

I was tired of it. I wanted to see his eyes and his face. I wanted to see the Blaise that I fell for.

What if he did know? Fuck!

"If Pansy or Scarlett told you anything then I'm sorry. I just didn't know how to and-" I looked at my bare thighs "And now I fucked up our friendship" I could feel the tears prick, but I wouldn't let them through.

"They didn't tell me anything," He said, his voice a bit softer and questioning.

I looked back at him, furrowed brows "Then what is it? Why won't you look me in the eyes anymore? Why does it seem like you don't even want me as a friend?" That last question was directed to why he didn't want me the way I wanted him.

"Why this and why that" I saw the anger and sadness fill his eyes.

They were rare emotions for Blaise Zabini. He was either no emotion, happy, or flirty. Nothing negative.

"My questions are why do you go for them?" He came closer to me, his hips spreading my knees apart as his face was now inches from mine, my breath quickening. "Why change this year? Why be distant?" He growled the last words, his hands clasping around my thighs as he squeezed them.

A gasp escaped my lips as I felt the heat between my thighs.

His rings dug deeper than I imagined, definitely denting my skin. His hands were huge and warm. The veins protruded in his hands as he grasped harder making me wince in pain but turned into pleasure.

With one quick motion, his hands were off my thighs and he was up against a bookshelf that seemed so far away from me but was only 8 to 10 feet away.

"Please go" he whispered, eyes on the floor.

I wasn't going to question anything anymore. I needed to process what just happened. Needed to fix what was going on inside my core right now.

I said nothing as I quickly walked away from him and out of the library.

I was supposed to meet Scarlett and Pansy after to tell them about the alone time between me and Blaise but I didn't want to tell anyone what just happened.

It was deep and personal. More triggering things that I need to unfold and figure out.

'Why them?' I didn't understand.

What did he mean?

Who did he mean?

I opened my door and shut it, not bothering to lock it.

I made my way to my bed, kicking off my shoes and then plopping onto my bed as nothing mattered.

That's when the tears fell.

I cried because he was so close and then in a second he was so far and wanted me to go.

It seemed as though he wanted me in the ways that I wanted him.

Him asking me to leave blew it.

He really didn't want me and I was just wishing for something that would never happen.

His Rose. // Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now