ice cream.

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Rose Malfoy

My cheeks were tear-stained and my hair had clung to my face. My mascara was smudged and my eyes were puffy. I had fallen asleep crying, asking myself why I had pushed Blaise away.

He didn't do anything. He was just trying to be there for me. And I pushed him away.

I always thought that being alone was better. When I was younger, I would just lock myself in my room, scared to bother my twin and mother with my problems about my father.

Alone was all I knew.

I don't want that to be the only thing I know now.

I could hear Susan Bones and her friends in her dorm next to mine. Laughing and having a good time while they got ready for the day.

Light knocks sounded from my door and I stood up, walking slowly to it and wiping my crusty eyes.

My hand wrapped around the doorknob, hoping; praying, that Blaise stood on the other side of it. When I turned it, pulled it back, and came face to face with my brother, my heart fell a little.

Blaise was mad at me and he wasn't going to come and talk. I'd have to do that myself now and I'm fine with that.

"Come in." I rasped out, seeing a pair of Blaise's jeans by my bed and racing over to kick them under it.

Draco shut the door and sighed. His eyes glanced around the room, looking at the few things that I had scattered around. Then he locked onto my gaze.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I tried. I tried so hard to keep in the rest of the tears but I just couldn't.

I broke down, sitting at the edge of my bed, and cried. I brought my hands up to my face, covering my eyes, and sobbed.

Draco sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him.

"He- I- He left and I- I pushed him away." I wrapped my arms around my brother's torso and hugged him as I cried into his chest "He's mad at me. F- fuck"

His hand came to my hair and he patted it down, stroking his fingers through it while he comforted me.

"He's not mad" Draco replied, still playing with my hair. "He's giving you space as you asked."

I pulled away slightly and looked up at him, my sight blurry. "H- He told you?"

"Yeah. He came into the common room and talked to me about everything you said. Rose, you're not easy. It wasn't your fault and you're not disgusting" He tucked some hair behind my ear.

I sniffled "Draco, you don't get it though. And neither does he-"

"Stop." He interrupted me, a look on his face debating something, then he opened his mouth "We don't get it, but we're here. You need to listen to Blaise. He's your friend and cares about you. So do I."

Draco was right. On some parts. Blaise was my boyfriend and he was just trying to help in any way that he could because he cares.

"Now, I'm going to get ice cream and we can skip classes today and hang out, how about that?" He smiled, wiping the tears that weren't dried on my face.

I smiled "I'd like that."

My twin stood and walked over to the door, "At least shower and stuff while I'm gone. Self-care." and he left.

I did as he said, standing up and grabbing some clothes from the drawer I had given Blaise, taking his clothing, grabbing some new undergarments, and heading to the bathroom.


When I stepped out of the shower and put Blaise's clothes on, the scent of him instantly filled my senses and made me smile.

In some way, I always felt safe with a piece of him around.

I stepped back out and into my room, drying my hair with my towel and tossing my dirty clothes into my hamper.

Draco had brought the ice cream, and some other snacks, back and was sitting on the floor, a puzzle spread out and across the wood.

I smiled, tossed my towel into my hamper, and sat on the floor across from him.

He smiled, looking at me and waiting for me to say something. Until he did.

"I see you're wearing Blaises clothes." He smirked.

I gulped "Yeah. I stole them from him last time he stayed this summer" I lied.

He nodded and handed me a bowl of ice cream. I smiled and took it, taking a spoonful of it and shoving it on my mouth as he did the same.

"So," my brother said with a mouthful of ice cream, "Do you like him?"

I choked on the ice cream in my mouth and looked at him, shocked that he had just asked me that.

He laughed and set down his bowl, casting a chilling charm on mine and his, and started to do the puzzle.

"I figured, that since you two have always been so close, that you had something for him," Draco smirked cockily and I looked at him with shock. "You weren't very subtle about it. The kiss in July, then just kind of ignoring him after that." 

Could he know that we were a thing? Would he hate us if we were? Would he kill Blaise and hate me? No. If he knew, something would've gone down by now. 

"You know," He put together a small part of the puzzle and I just watched him. "He feels the same about you. He has since before the kiss." He glanced up at me and saw my jaw dropped open "But don't tell him I told you. He'd have my head" 

"Well bloody fucking hell." I breathed out. 

"Come on, Rose. Did you think I was stupid enough to not tell when you had a little crush?" He chuckled deeply. 

Oh, it's not a little crush, brother.

"Right. Yeah. Sorry." I shook my head, taking a bite of my ice cream again and helping him with the puzzle. 

He was mad at me. Not only was Blaise mad at me, but so was my brother. 

"I'm not mad at you. I think it's cute" he smiled, a real smile. 

This was the side of Draco that no one ever saw. It was the side that I grew up with and the side he was taught to hide. 

"But..." I stopped to think "He's your best friend. Don't you find that weird?" 

"A little, but I could care less. He's never done anything to hurt you, why should I care if you dated him or not." He put another piece of the puzzle together and I swore I saw him smirk. 

He didn't care. Draco didn't care that I liked him. 

"Just, be careful" He smiled. 

I nodded and smiled back, "I will."

His Rose. // Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now