wake up.

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Blaise Zabini

Everything started to clear up. The fog covering my thoughts and the blurriness of my sight... It was all clearing up now. And everything that I did while I wasn't in control, was coming back to me.

I looked around and noticed that I was in Dumbledore's office. He stood by his desk while Kingsly stood in front of me and a healer scanned her wand over me.

"How are you feeling?" She asked me and I shrugged.

"Tired and like shit. Wheres Rose?" I asked, trying to stand up but the healer pushed me back down.

"She's fine. I ran into Scarlett and Pansy earlier. They told me about everything and that's how we're here." He explained, sitting in a seat across from me.

"Wheres Bones?" I asked, looking around again.

"Azkaban," Kingsly answered. "She won't be getting out anytime soon-"

"Theodore Nott was also behind all of this. She told me." I cut him off, hoping to keep both of those psychopaths locked up.

"We had guards go through his cell. He had letters. We have all of the evidence we need. You'll be okay, Mr. Zabini."

I knew I was going to be okay. But Rose wasn't. I had broken her heart and it wasn't me. It was, but it wasn't.

"Can I see Rose? I need to see her now. Please." I begged, standing up and feeling a little wobbly but I found my balance.

Kingsly nodded and then took my hand, apparating me out of the room and to St. Mungos.

I vaguely remembered what happened in the few minutes that I was normal. I remember seeing Scarlett and Pansy in my closet, Susan explaining why she did all of this to me; to Rose. It was stupid.

When she said that Rose took too many drugs, I lost it. I was now hoping that I didn't lose her. I needed her.

After running up stairs and down corridors, we made it to her room. Everyone was standing outside her door, pacing around. Narcissa sat in a chair crying, Astoria rubbing her back and trying to comfort her. Pansy was holding onto Scarlett as tears streamed down her face. Draco was walking back and forth, trying not to cry.

Seeing what I saw, I thought the worse.

She was gone.

Rose Malfoy had left me without a goodbye.

"Is she...?" I choked out, stopping in my tracks. Everyone looked at me.

"You did this! You fucking did this! I told you not to fucking hurt her and you fucking did!" Draco screamed, running towards me, throwing a punch. "She's in there, basically laying on her death bed because of you!" He hit me again and I fell back into Kingsly.

"Draco-" Kingsly grabbed him and pulled him away.

"Draco, he didn't do it on purpose!" Scarlett screamed at him. She ran over to me and wrapped her arms around me, pulling me closer. "Her heart stopped. It's been at least four minutes since the doctors went in there." She sobbed.

I let a tear falls down my face as I squeezed Scarlett harder.

"I'm sorry." I sobbed. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do any of this." I cried into Scarlett's shoulder.

Everyone and everything was silent. Until Narcissa stood up and walked over to me. I pulled away from Scarlett and looked at Narcissa. She opened her arms up and I instantly flew into them.

She hugged me tight and rubbed her hand up and down my back. "She loved you. So much." She whispered and pulled away "You were right for her."

Draco then came over and Narcissa backed away "I'm sorry." He chuckled and wiped his tear as I wiped the blood from my cheek "I just- I can't lose her."

I nodded "I kind of deserved it." I shrugged with a sad chuckle.

Just then, a healer came out of the room and so did all of the doctors. One stopped and started to talk to Narcissa.

"We have her stabilized and hopefully soon she'll wake up." The doctor said and everyone let out an audible breath. "You can go in."

Everyone walked into the room, crowding around the bed and looking at Rose.

I just stood there. I couldn't move.

I had done that. She was here because of me and there was no other way around it. I was under a spell, sure, but those words still came out of my mouth.

I remember becoming unspelled for just a second and watching Draco carry Rose out of the common room. Her hip was bleeding and she was passed out.

"Let's get some food and give Blaise and her some time," Astoria said and everyone nodded, walking out of the room and shutting the door.

I took in a breath, sitting down in the chair next to her bed. I took her small and fragile hand in mine, rubbing my thumb on the back of it. I kissed her knuckles and let it all spill out.

"I'm sorry," I spoke, voice cracking. "I told you not to break me but in the end, I was the one who broke you and I am so fucking sorry." Tears spilled from my eyes "You took my broken pieces and put them back together again. When I wanted to give up, I stayed because of you. Did you know that?"

My chest was rising and falling as I spoke. "Wake up. Don't leave me." I laid my head on her stomach closed my eyes. "I need you."

She was my life. I know that it sounds stupid and desperate in a way, but it was true. Rose was my childhood crush. When I was young, I didn't know what feelings were, so those little flutters in my stomach when I was ten years old, as I grew older, I started to realize.

To this day, I still get those butterflies; I still get the shocks and goosebumps at each word and touch that she gives. It amazes me how one thing, can be so special.

And now, I was on the edge of losing it all.

"You didn't think I'd leave without a goodbye, did you?"

I opened my eyes and looked at her, bright blue eyes staring back into mine.

My breathing hitched as I sat up and looked at her, eyes filling with tears.

"Blasie," She rasped out. "I know. I know you didn't mean it."

"I'm still sorry-"

"Hold me." She whispered. And once again, I held her with no hesitation at all.

I climbed into the bed with her, pulling her close to me. Her head lifted and she looked into my eyes, hoping that this wasn't a dream. I lifted her chin and connected our lips lightly. When I pulled away, both of our eyes were filled with tears...

"I will always hold you. I love you with everything I have."

And right then and there, I had My Rose back.

His Rose. // Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now