eyes on me.

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Rose Malfoy

It's been about two days since everything happened. I've been waking up with nightmares of Theo going further than he did.

Draco spends most of the time with me. During his free period, meals, before classes. He's truly worried.

I've seen Blaise once since he left. I understand though. We're in school and he has the dream to become an Auror so obviously, he's going to be focusing on his studies.

But deep down I know he's trying to avoid me.

"Take this before you go to bed" Pomfrey handed me a 'dreamless sleep' potion "I've noticed you're having nightmares. This will take it away and then you can actually sleep"

"Thank you" I smiled taking it from her.

"If you want, you can come and visit me to talk. I'm not just a nurse or a doctor. It's my job to understand and be there."

"I will. I really appreciate Madam Pomfrey."

"You're welcome" She turned and walked into her office.

My brother has told me that word has gotten around. Some people are saying that I'm lying for attention but others actually believe me.

Draco said that he's had to punch a few guys who said that I was easy and let it happen.

It bothered me but I guess it was true.

I said yes to the date. I wasn't careful about my drink. It happened and I let it.

I looked left and right, down the corridor as I stepped out. It was a Tuesday, so most kids were in class.

Heading to my dorm, his dark brown eyes seeped into my mind, wanting nothing more than to look deep into them again.

Blaise took everything off of my mind. It wasn't because of his body on mine or his voice through my ears, it was him being who he is and being there for me.

That's what took everything off of my mind.

His words kept racing through my head, wanting, needing to know what he meant.

"Mi sento cosí tanto per te" (I feel so much for you)

I had classes off today so after my shower, I'm going to the library and looking through the books for the translation of Italian.

The corridors were empty as I made my way to the common room.

Having no one roam them made some weight lift off my shoulders because people wouldn't question me.

I opened the door to the common room where very few Hufflepuffs sat. No one noticed me, thankfully, as I walked to my dorm.


The shower refreshed me and as I grabbed my bag and made my way to the library, I felt a little bit better.

A few more people were out in the halls this time and they all took glances at me, scared to say anything because Draco would be on their ass if they said one word to me.

He was much more protective now.

When I entered the library, Madam Pince gave me a sorrowful look and I smiled at her.

"Where's the translation section?" I leaned against her desk.

"All the way in the back by Blaise's little nook. I'm sure he won't mind if you sit there either. Let me know if you need anything" Her voice was nice and loving.

"Will do. Thank you." And so I headed to the back.

I'm pretty sure all of the teachers know what happened because every time I see one, they send me a smile or a look that they're sorry. I hated it.

I still felt somewhat disgusted with myself.

Not enough soap in this world could wash away his grip on me. Nothing could cleanse me of what I let happen.


My fingers traced the spins of the book looking for what I needed.




No Italian.

With a sigh, I walked back up to the front. I was hoping to find Madam Pince and ask her if she knew, but I couldn't find her.

I huffed to myself, obviously frustrated and wanting answers.

I saw a clock sitting on her desk and noticed that it was 5:30 and that dinner was going to start soon.

I'm pretty sure that everyone has been to the infirmary looking for me, but haven't found me.

I took a deep breath and walked to the great hall.

There were more people around now and they were pointing and whispering to each other. Some chuckled and rolled their eyes.

It hurt.

I wasn't doing any of this for attention.

I didn't intend for it to happen. Yet again, it did. It did happen and I could've done something about it.

"Rose!" Scarlett called from in front of me, still a little ways up.

"Hi" I smiled shyly as she pulled me into a hug and hooked her arm around mine heading to dinner.

"Where have you been? We've all been looking for you but you were nowhere."

"I was in the library" I picked at my fingers.

"Why?" She furrowed her brows.

"No reason. Just wanted a new book" I lied.

What me and Blaise had the other night was just for us. If he wanted to tell others about it then he could, but I wanted to keep it between me and him.

It was a pure moment. A moment I wished lasted forever.

When we entered, the chatter died down and all heads turned my way.

"Forget them. Come on" Scarlett tugged on my arm as we walked to the Slytherin table.

My eyes went straight to Blaise.

He sat with his head low and his eyes on his plate, picking at his food.

I slid in next to him, once again, my thigh touching his. The reaction that I get every time happened again and when I looked at him, his eyes were still on his plate, no reaction at all.

"Where the hell have you been!" Draco demanded.

"I wanted to be alone." I picked up a dinner roll and set it on my plate.

"You know you can't be alone no-" I cut him off.

"I don't care Draco! I need time to my fucking self and you won't give it to me!" I snapped and stood up, everyone's eyes on me, now including Blaises. "When shit happens, people want to be alone, so that's what I'm going to do. I'll be in my room, alone. Don't come and check on me"

I huffed and stormed out of the great hall.

I knew that being alone wasn't the best idea, but it's what I wanted.

His Rose. // Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now