going to see lover boy.

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Rose Malfoy


That's all I've been the past few days... Alone.

I've been ignoring everyone and sitting in my room, lost in my thoughts. When a class comes around, I don't talk to anyone. Not even Blaise and we're partners.

I've been taking the dreamless sleep potion because if I don't, then I don't sleep.

His face haunts me. His touch haunts me.

A knock comes from my door and I sigh "Come in"

Draco walks in with a shy smile and sits at the end of my bed.

It's quiet for a bit as he looks around my room. It's a mess. I haven't cleaned because I just don't want to. Normally it would be perfect but lately... I haven't been myself.

"I wasn't trying to breathe down your neck. I was just trying to be your brother." He bows his head.

"I know. But Draco, you have to understand that you can't be up my ass 24/7. I'm going to choose the wrong guys and get hurt. That's just life." I slide over to him, hooking my arm in his.

"I know I'm being soft right now, but you're my sister and I can't lose you" he turned his head and looked at me.

"Draco," I push his hair back and out of his eyes "You won't lose me. I'm your twin and I'm here forever"

Draco isn't soft around anyone else. I'm sure he's showed his soft side to Astoria but I don't even think Blaise has seen his soft side.

Draco is always so boarded up and closed off to everyone else. Only opening up to certain people. I understand that though. Opening up can be scary.

"Also, Blaise wants you to meet him in the library later. You guys need to get your project done."

"Ughhh" I groan, falling on my back.

"What's going on between you and Blaise? You guys used to be so close. Well, since you two kissed." Draco asked and I tensed.

"Nothing. Just-" I shrug "I don't know. We're just not close anymore."

He gave me a quizzical look "Okay then" and he stood up. "Stop closing yourself off. We all miss you. Especially Scarlett."

And with that he walked out, leaving me alone to dwell in my thoughts again.

I miss my friends. I miss being talkative and actually going to meals instead of sitting in an empty corridor alone. I miss it.

Standing up, I sigh and start to get ready. Classes were already over for the day so I changed into my pajama shorts and a tank top, not thinking I'd be going anywhere else today.

So, I changed into something else and headed to the library.

On the way, the walk was peaceful and calm. Until...

"Look who it is." Pansy threw her arm over my shoulder, Scarlett grabbing my hand.

"Hi guys" I smiled shyly.

"And so she talks!" Scarlett yelled, a few people looking at us. "So Draco's talk did work?"

"Yeah. I guess it did"

"Where are you headed now?" Pansy asked as we continued to walk.

I battled with myself, wondering if I should tell them. If I did, they'd tease me like always, but if I didn't then I would feel guilty since they're my best friends.

"She's going to see her lover boy." Scarlett poked at my side.

"Set up a dick appointment well you're at it. I know he'll be down for that" chuckled Pansy.

"You guys disgust me sometimes. Besides" I sighed "As much as I'd love to sleep with him, I couldn't."

"And why do you say that?" Scarlett cocked her head.

"Because he doesn't think of me in that way and I know that if I was to go that far that getting over this 'crush' would be even harder."

Pansy snorted "You have no idea."

"Shhh" Scarlett batted the back of Pansy's head with her hand.

"Ow. Anyways, have fun" Pansy took her arm away as Scarlett replaced my hand with Pansy's waist.

"Have fun with lover boy" Scarlett retorted and I rolled my eyes.

As much as I love Scarlett and Pansy, they get on my nerves. Not in a bad way but whenever they mention me needing to get with Blaise or to hook up with him, my entire mood drops.

I know that they're trying to make me happy and trying to help me get the things I want, but I can't have Blaise.

My brother's best friend... Not going to work.

I walked into the library and I suddenly remember the translation book.

"Madam Pince" I smiled at her as I walked up to her desk.

"Ah, Blaise is in the back"

"Oh, I know." I chuckled "I was wondering about the Italian translation. When I checked I couldn't find it."

"Well, I don't know what to tell you. I reckon a student must've borrowed it. I can look around tomorrow?"

"No, it's okay." I smiled "I better get to Blaise."

"Remember to lock up please" She reminded me and I nodded as I headed to the back.

Well, that's irritating.

The one thing that I need isn't around and I have no clue where it is. 

As I inched closer to Blaise, my nerves settled in and I felt scared. 

Blaise making me nervous was nothing new. I just wish that I was used to it by now. Used to sitting next to him, used to our thighs brushing against one another, used to seeing him everywhere. I don't get used to it though. 

As I stepped into the little space, his eyes met mine and he smiled. 

His Rose. // Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now