party dress.

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A/N: Hello my loves! Slow updates recently... I know and I'm sorry. School has been shitty and I'm really behind. Anyways. Thank you for being patient with me. This is a little filler chapter. On another note, I'm starting a Theodore Nott fic. It's called 'No one else.' Go check it out if you'd like. 

Anyways... LOVE YOU GUYS! <3

Rose Malfoy

It's been a few days since I was almost caught by Draco. The other day, the Slytherins started to plan a party. Apparently, Draco was going to talk to our mum and ask her to send us some Firewhiskey. I doubt she'll say yes.

Currently, we're sitting in the great hall for a free day because the teachers have to plan for the Yule Ball. Everyone was okay with skipping school, but all of the Ravenclaws and just the smarty pants, in general, were studying.

The Malfoy owl soon flew into the great hall with a note in its beak.

"And look at that" Draco smirked at me and I rolled my eyes at him. He opened the letter and read it. Within a second he frowned.

I laughed in his face. "And look at that," I pointed "She said no. Just like I said."

"Whatever. Blaise, do you think that your mother could send some? If not we can always ask Warrington" He looked at Blaise who had his head down and was reading intently, his hand resting on my thigh secretly.

"I can try. I don't know if she will though. She's playing the 'I'm your mother and you will listen' card. She and David aren't together anymore" Blaise slightly flinched at the name but smiled afterwords.

"Girls, shall we go to Hogsmeade to look for party dresses?" Astoria stood up, smiling.

Quickly, Pansy and Scarlett stood up, ready to go. I looked down at the assignment that I wasn't working on and started to work on it.

I wasn't going to go to the party. Draco never let me go to any. And since everything happened, I don't think he would even consider it. I love him and I understand, but he should know that I'm safe and that I'll look for the signs. And me and Blaise are together and he'd keep me safe. But Draco doesn't know that... Yet.

"Rose, aren't you going with them?" my brother's voice pulled me from my trance. I looked up and furrowed my brows "Are you dumb? Go"

The girls smiled and Blaise squeezed my thigh. I looked at him with a confused face and he chuckled. With that, I stood slowly and cautiously, wondering why I was going with them. Pansy and Scarlett wrapped their arms into mine while Astoria did the same with Pansy.

We walked out of the great hall and went to the Slytherin dorms to grab jackets.

"Why am I coming with you guys? I never come" I questioned as we walked down to the dungeons.

"Blaise and Draco talked then Blaise told us that Draco said you could come. With the supervision of course. But Blaise won't keep his eyes off of you. He's obsessed." Astoria replied.

"Well, I would hope so." I chuckled as we opened the portrait and went our separate ways.

I went to Blaise's dorm while the others went to their own. I made the trip quick, scared to be in the boys' side, during the day, alone.

I walked in a grabbed one of Blaise's Quidditch jumpers which had his name and number on the back.

As I slipped it over my head, the scent of White Pine filled my senses.


"Ready?" Scarlett leaned against the door and looked at me.

"Yeah" I nodded and headed over to her.

In all honesty, She and I have been distant. Since Pansy and her got together, they've spent every second of every day with one another. I don't have a problem with it because I like Pansy and my best friend is happy but Scarlett has been my best friend since year one.

"You okay?" She asked, taking my hand in hers.

"I just miss you. We never have our time anymore." I admitted.

"I know and I'm sorry. Pansy is very clingy"

"No shit," I said, laughing.

"We'll have our time. How about this..." She stopped in the hall and turned to me "Me and you, just us... we get ready for the Yule Ball. My dress is going to be a surprise for Pansy and she can't see it until we're in the great hall. How's that sound?"

I smiled and pulled her into a bone-crushing hug "That sounds perfect"

And so we left and went to dress shopping for a party.


We four girls had our hands interlocked as we walked down the street, looking through the windows at each shop and trying to find a place that intrigues us.

We all talked about the colors that we wanted and the style of dress we wanted. Pansy wanted a silk grey mini dress, Astoria wanted a red silky mini dress, Scarlett wanted a silky white mini dress, and I was going to wear a silky emerald green mini dress. Yes, it was basic. 

I liked how we were all matching. Each different colors, but the same style. We were a power group. Super cliché, but that didn't matter.

We found a shop and quickly tried on dresses. We found the ones we liked and got them. After, we spent a little more time in Hogsmeade, going to Honeydukes and then walking around, grabbing a butterbeer and sitting outside for a little and enjoying the sun before the snow would start to stick.

Even though the beginning of the year wasn't the best, it was getting better.

I was happy and free.

His Rose. // Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now