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Rose Malfoy

The rest of Christmas break flew by. Scarlett and Pansy came over for the last two days of it, and Blaise went and spent some time with his Mother. As for my mum, she stayed in her room most of the time, us going and dropping off food for her. 

It broke my heart to watch my mother break and I wanted to help, I did... but I truly didn't know what to do.

Yesterday we all came back to Hogwarts, spending time in the common room before we headed back to our dorms. Blaise stayed in his last night because it took him a while to unpack. Same with me.

When I had said goodnight to Blaise, he said that Pansy and Scarlett would meet me at my dorm and I'd meet him at breakfast. I was fine with that.

I grabbed my books off my shelf, putting them in my bag, and putting my wand in my pocket. I tossed a few clothes into the hamper and tidied up my vanity.

Just then, Scarlett and Pansy walked in.

"Morningggg" Scarlett sing-songed and picked up my mascara using it.

Pansy sat down on my bed, making herself comfortable. "Party Friday, are you coming?" she asked, laying her head on my pillow.

"Depends. In which way?" I joked, both of them gasping.

"When the hell did you get so bold?" Scarlett asked, putting my mascara down.

"Maybe it's my Slytherin side that's buried deep down." I shrugged.

"I like it." They both said and smiled at the same time. 

I rolled my eyes and told them that we should leave because I was hungry and ready for breakfast.

On our walk there, we made small talk.

"How's your mum?" Scarlett asked, her arm wrapping around my neck.

When they came and stayed the last few days, I told them about my mother. About how my father had cheated and left. He hasn't written or stopped by, but I didn't want him to. I never wanted to see him again.

"She's still drinking, but she'll be fine. She needs her time." I nodded, trying to convince myself that that was the case. I just hoped that she wouldn't become an alcoholic.


Pansy and Scarlett were next to me as we walked into the great hall, the sound of students talking filled the large room as we made our way to the Slytherin table.

As we got closer, I noticed that Astoria looked... concerned? And Draco looked like he was going to kill someone. I wasn't sure. But as we got closer, Susan Bones was sitting in my seat which was right next to Blaise.

Everything went to slow motion after that. Except for my heart. My heart sped up and I felt like I was going to have a heart attack.

I stopped and watched as they looked at each other, Blaise seeming happier than ever. He then brought his hand up and under her chin, lifting it and connecting their lips.

My heart dropped instantly and I grabbed onto Scarlett and Pansy. Draco jumped across the table and on top of Blaise, punching him multiple times. Draco didn't care that it was his best friend.

Susan was yelling at him to get off, trying to pull Draco away, but Astoria stood up and said something to her. Then, sweet little Astoria punched the fuck out of Susan.

Astoria shook her hand as she got closer to me, her mouth moving but I didn't hear anything.

Draco soon enough got off of Blaise, Susan rushing to his side. I couldn't believe what was happening.

Draco's mouth was moving too, the girls and my brother's voice blurred around me. Everyone else in the great hall was silent, confused about what had just happened.

My eyes stayed on Blaise and his bloodied face. Susan looked at me with a smirk and helped Blaise sit up.

He looked at me with no love at all. Everything that was there yesterday and over break, wasn't. He was gone and I didn't know how.

What had happened? What did I do? Did he love Susan? How did this even happen?

We were perfectly fine last night in the common room, and even better when he dropped me off at my dorm.

What had changed in the last twelve hours?

My eyes then went back to hers and she still had a smirk on her face, mouthing a 'thank you' and then leaning in to kiss Blaise once more. She didn't care about the blood dripping from all over his face.

My stomach flipped and I ran out to find the closest bathroom I could. I pushed past people, mascara running down my face as I cried and felt my heart crack.


Blaise and I were over.

He kissed her.

I entered the bathroom and into a stall, sliding down the wall and letting my face fall into my hands. I started to hyperventilate, not being able to catch my breath as the scene replayed in my head over, and over.


That was the word racing through my mind.

The stall door rattled and then unclicked. Scarlett bent down quickly and wrapped her arms around me as I sobbed.

I grabbed onto her as I breathed heavily, not being able to find a steady pace "W-What h-happened?" I tried to ask, my chest hurting even more as I spoke.

Scarlett pulled my face away and looked me in the eyes "Breathe. In. Out." She showed me how to do it and I tried my hardest.

Draco showed up and I stood quickly, wrapping my arms around his neck as he did to my waist, and I pulled him close.

I never knew it would hurt this much. But I also didn't think that we'd ever be over. For Merlin's sake, we were just talking about our future... now it's over with.

"Shhh. It'll be okay. We can talk about it later. You need to pace yourself." Draco spoke, his hand rubbing up and down my back.

I nodded, burying my head into my twin's chest.

I was fucking broken.

His Rose. // Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now