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Rose Malfoy

"What should I do with you?" He asked, smirking and biting his lip as he came up with an idea "How does punishment sound, Amore Mio?"

At this point, any alcohol had left my body. The only thing racing through my bloodstream was the desire to be closer to Blaise.

I gulped "Do your worse" I replied, my voice lower than I anticipated.

"Oh, you have no idea" He smirked, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

His lips hovered over mine as he had his body pressed to my chest and my back against the wall.

He laid his lips onto mine and I instantly felt relieved. I brought my hands up and around his neck, pulling him as close as I could.

Our breathing was heavy and we both needed air. I took my lips off of his and ran them down his neck, kissing, licking, and biting at his skin, making him groan and toss his head back to give me more room.

My lips trailed down to his shirt where I started to unbutton it. His hands gripped my wrists lightly and he pulled away. I looked up at him with worried eyes, thinking I had done something wrong.

"Ah Ah Ah" He clicked his teeth "Tonight isn't what it seems" He tugged at my hands, pulling me to the Hufflepuff common room. "Who was that you danced with?"

"I- I don't know. Some sixth year." I replied as he still pulled me.

"That's the problem." He whispered the password and then tugged me up the stairs and to my dorm. "It was some sixth year." He whipped his head around, looking at me "Not me"

I blushed and pooled at the possessiveness. This wasn't like Blaise. Never have I seen him like this. Except for that one time in the library, before everything and had happened. I liked this side of Blaise. It was hot.

He threw open my door and then picked me up, draping me over his shoulder.

"Blaise!" I shouted and started to laugh.

"Oh you won't be laughing here soon" He tossed me onto the bed and then grabbed his wand, flicking it so that the door shut and locked and then he said a silencing charm.


"Shut it." He said calmly. "Stand up."

I obliged, standing up and looking straight at him, watching his eyes rake up and down my body.

"Heels. Take them off" he ordered.

I listened. Bending down and unclipping them, kicking them to the side.

He stepped closer to me, slowly. Like a predator hunting and I was his prey. He was inches from me. His lips a breath away, his body not touching mine yet.

"Can I touch you? Are you sober enough for me to touch you?" He asked.

I was sober. My heart was pumping and my veins were rushing with the want for him. I was okay.

"Yes. Touch me" I breathed, looking at lips.

He pecked mine as his fingers curled around the strap of my dress and making it fall. He did the same thing with the other.

His eyes never left mine as he brought one of his hands around to my back, grabbing the zipper and pulling it down, making the dress loose and fall to the floor.

I wore emerald green lace. Blaise's favorite.

He smirked "Lace for me?"

"Yes," I choked out.

His Rose. // Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now