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A/N: I'm sorry for breaking your hearts in these few chapters lol. And fair warning, the next chapter will be dark. I will put a warning but I wanted to tell you ahead of time too.


Rose Malfoy

Two weeks since Blaise left.

I said it was a one-time thing; said that I wasn't going to take it again... but I did. Again and again.

The Monday after the party, I saw Blaise and Susan together. I needed to get my mind off of it and away from him. So, I went to the Ravenclaw common room.

I had met Sean there and we went to his dorm. We hung out for a little and then he had given me a little bit of the drug that I needed.

After that, I went back to my dorm and did a line. The feeling hit me after about a minute and I laid in my bed just looking up at my ceiling and smiling, knowing that I was okay.

That was until the drug wore off and I wanted another fix. I wanted to save some
for tomorrow; save some for more of the harder times.

But I wanted it now.

I lined the white powder up on my desk, taking a rolled piece of paper and doing just one more line.

That wasn't the case though.

I had started doing at least two lines a day. I started to lose weight and I skipped more of my classes.

I would look at myself in the mirror each day, watching as my arms and legs started to thin out and my stomach become flat.

Maybe if I was skinny then Blaise would come back. Maybe that's what he wanted, a skinny girl.

But no. I was addicted to cocaine so now he surely wasn't going to come back. Oh well though, I was doing okay. For the most part.

My room was a mess which wasn't normal. I had clothes all over the place, a pile of Blaises' in the corner, long forgotten. And I had little baggies sitting on my desk. Some full and some empty.

A knock came from my door and I quickly jumped from my bed and grabbed the baggies, shoving them in my nightstand... but I was too late.

My door opened and Draco walked in, the girls behind him.

I had just started to close my drawer when Draco looked around and spoke "Rose..."

"What? Ever seen a girl go through heartbreak?" I chuckled and hopped onto my bed.

"I get it you're hurt, but-"

"But what? Are you my parent? Ya know, since mums a drunk and dads left..." I sat up, looking at Scarlett and Pansy shake their heads. "Coming to tell me to get over it? Well, I am."

"You're not though!" Scarlett yelled, walking over to my drawer and pulling it open, ripping out the baggies. "I've seen you go to the Ravenclaw common room. People only go there for drugs."

I stood up "What do you care?" I ripped the full baggie from her hand. I went to go put it back in my drawer but Draco ripped it away. "What the fuck!"

"This isn't you, Rose." He spoke lowly.

"Oh, and you think you know me? I don't even know me" I sadly chuckled "That-" I pointed to the baggie that Draco held "That is the only fucking thing getting me through this"

"You can't use drugs to cope, Rose" Scarlett spoke. "We're all here for you. You can talk to us."

"I can't though. I really can't." My eyes started to water.

I couldn't talk to them because there was nothing to talk about. I had fallen in love and thought that it would've lasted. But look now... I was ignorant and believed in something that wasn't real.

There was a pain in everyone's eyes as I stood there, waiting for him to hand my back my drugs.

He didn't.

Draco turned around and ran into my bathroom. I followed him and tried to grab his arm to stop him, but Scarlett held onto me and I watched as my brother dumped the cocaine into the toilet and flushed it.

"What the fuck!" I yelled at him as he stood up straight again.

"Just like Scarlett said, you need to cope in a healthy way-"

"Fuck coping in a healthy way!" I yanked myself away from Scarlett and looked at her and all of the others.

They stood there and examined me, their hearts broken. I felt terrible for making myself into this; watching them break while I did.

"Out. I want you all to leave." I said, crossing my arms over my chest and waiting for them to go.

They all left, but Scarlett stayed back for a second, looking at me "I'll be back later and we can have our time. Like we always used to." She pulled me into a hug. "I love you."

She then backed away and left.

I laid on my bed, repeating the words over and over.

I love you.

Scarlett and I said it all the time. But now, the words hurt. Not coming from just her but anyone.

How did I know if they meant it?

I had thought that Blaise meant it... but he left.

Another knock came from my door and I groaned as I stood up.

"I said to leave me alo-" I stopped as my eyes locked onto his, Susan standing right next to him.

"I just want my clothes back," he spoke plainly.

I stood frozen, my heart palpitating.

Susan coughed, pulling me back to reality "Malfoy, can he have his clothes back?"

I nodded and walked over to the pile, picking them up and handing them to him.

As I set the clothes in his hands, our skin touched and brushed against one another. For just a second; for a millisecond even, his eyes focused and he realized something.

His mouth opened to speak but another second passed, and he was back to his emotionless self.

"Thanks." He mumbled and then turned away, walking into Susan's room.

She sighed and smiled, looking at him "He's so perfect, isn't he?"

I pushed her away and slammed my door, throwing on some clean clothes and making my way back to the Ravenclaw common room.

I didn't fucking care anymore.

His Rose. // Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now