need or want.

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Rose Malfoy

It was about 10 pm and I was on my way to the Slytherin common room. I had some clothes with me for tomorrow so that if I was caught going to Blaise's dorm, I could say that I was just going to Draco's dorm to ask him something and then to Scarletts.

It was a regular thing, so it was nothing new.

I made it to the portrait where I whispered the password and headed in. I was always informed of the passwords because I was here constantly.

No one questioned me as I walked up to the boys' dorms. It was normal.

I took the steps up and passed the first ten rooms. I was getting closer to Blaise's room but Dracos door opened and he ran into me.

I stumbled back as my head hit his chest. "Ouch," He said, rubbing the spot my head hit.

"Sorry" I mumbled, bringing my hand to my head.

And then it registered. I ran into my brother and now had to explain myself.

His eyebrows furrowed as he opened his mouth "What are you doing here?"

"I uh-" I was interrupted.

"Draco," Astoria said from behind me "Are we going to the kitchens? Hey Rose. Meet you in Scarlett's room?"

She gave me that look as to go along with the lie. Thank Merlin for Astoria.

"Yeah. Totally" I smiled. "Came to say goodnight to you and Blaise" I walked past my brother and to Blaise's room. "Goodnight"

I heard Astoria chuckle and her and Dracos footsteps retreat as my hand wrapped around the doorknob and opened it.

I quickly shut the door and put my bag on the hook that was on the door.

"You could've knocked," Blaise said. Even though I couldn't see him, I could hear the smile in his voice.

I turned and yep. He had a smile on his face as he sat at his desk. "Didn't think I had to. Plus, I ran into Draco" I sat down on his couch and watched as he did whatever he was doing. "What are you doing?"

"Just writing my mum about Christmas" He answered, folding a piece of paper and setting it down.

He got up and walked over to me, sitting down next to me and intertwining our fingers. I played with his rings as we sat in silence. There was something on his mind. I knew it. I wanted to ask him but I wasn't sure if he wanted to talk to me about it.

I also had something on my mind. Guilt. I was keeping things from my brother and I felt terrible about it. I hated keeping things from people.

"We should probably ease into telling Draco. Like gradually grow closer and then when he asks, we tell him" Blaise spoke.

I felt relief flood me "That's a great idea"

I looked up to see his eyes on me. He always has his gaze on me. Whether we were in class, at a meal, in different parts of the courtyard, or opposite ends of the corridors. Whenever I would look up, he'd be looking at me.

I never had any thought to it before, just thinking that he was looking around and then spotted me because of my hair or because we were a group and always hung out together. Now that I'm here, next to him, glancing at his lips, I understand it all.

It wasn't because I was his friend but because I was his crush. Just like he was mine. That's why I would look at him. To take in his appearance and fall even more.

His Rose. // Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now