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Rose Malfoy

I sat in my window seat, looking out across the grounds of Hogwarts. The boys had to stay back after tryouts to pick things up, so we girls headed back up to my dorm. 

From my window, I could see Blaise and Draco walking back with a few other Slytherins. I watched as Draco spoke to Blaise about something. I'm guessing that it was about Astoria because he had a huge smile on his face. 

Astoria brings out the best in Draco. It's nice. 

Blaise looked away from Draco and up. His eyes met mine and I smiled as he waved to me. I lifted my hand slightly, waving back. I didn't want to make it noticeable to the girls.

"So who wants to sneak down to the kitchens tonight?" Scarlett asked, sitting on the floor and leaning against my bed. 

"That's what you guys do? Sneak out to the kitchens?" Astoria asked.

I turned and chuckled with a shake of my head "Yes but we also just stay in here and draw or dance, gossip about random things and then we leave for meals. On Saturdays, we sometimes go to Hogsmeade" 

"And then Scarlett and I get fucked up and wake up with really bad hangovers on Sunday" Pansy laughed.

"Yeah and they puke all over my bathroom" I narrow my eyes at both of them. 

"But you still love us" Scarlett smiles and stands up, walking over and sitting next to me. 

We engage in some more conversation about random things. Astoria mentioned how Draco has invited her to the Manor for Christmas break and I told her that I was happy she was coming. She and I are getting along and I like her. She's great for Draco. 

A knock comes from the door and I stand up, walking over to it. 

I open the door and there stood Susan Bones. 

"Can I help you?" I said, waiting for her to answer. 

"Can you guys keep it down? You're being annoying and I need my beauty rest" She scoffs and then turns on her heel going back to her room. 

I turn around and shut the door, looking back at my friends "I don't understand why she's a Hufflepuff. She's a complete bitch." 

"Maybe she's mad because you got Cedric and she didn't" Scarlett shrugs.

"But that wasn't even anything. It was a party hookup" 

"It is something though. You fucked him and she didn't" Pansy explained.

"Pans is right" Astoria nodded "It's annoying that some girls think that" 

Susan Bones has been my enemy since first year. I sat next to her after the sorting and accidentally spilled my pumpkin juice on her. She got mad, yelled, and then ran out. 

The next time that she got mad at me was in third year when Cedric Diggory asked if I wanted to study, which I said yes, and she got jealous. Me and Cedric started to hang out more and then we hooked up in the middle of my fifth year at a party. 

When Bones found out about that she got infuriated because apparently, she wanted him. He's now dating Cho Chang and we talk on occasion. 

"Hey, Rose?" Scarletts voice tugged me back into reality "Why do you have this translation book?" 

I sighed. "Because when I was in the hospital wing, Blaise said something to me in Italian and I didn't understand it. I've been meaning to find what he said but I forgot about it."

"Well, what did he say?" Astoria asked and stood up, Pansy following her over to where Scarlett was with the book. 

"Mi sento cosí tango per te" (I feel so much for you) "I don't know what it means" 

"Well, let's find out" Scarlett smiled and started to flip through the pages. 

She went through each page, reading line after line and trying to put things together. We were almost there until we came to a page that was ripped out. 

All of us groaned and then sat on my bed. 

"This is bloody annoying" I groaned and everyone laughed at me. "Why are you laughing at me?" 

"Because you, just like Blaise, are fucking clueless," Astoria replies. "Now I may not be right, but from what I know is it means 'I feel so much for you'. Now I may not be right so don't quote me on it." 

I was right. 

Everything that I had added up was right. 

But why didn't he want me to know? Bro code? Scared? 

All of those reasons make sense but why couldn't he just tell me when he could? 

What if he was going to tell me tonight and I said no?

"Are you okay Rose?" Scarlett asked her hand on my shoulder.

"He asked to talk later and I said no because I was hanging out with you guys." I explained, "I didn't want to can-"

"Is everyone good with next weekend then?" Scarlett asked, looking at everyone as they nodded "See. You could've just rescheduled" 

"But I did-" 

"Shut up and let's go!" Pansy says, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of my dorm, Astoria, and Scarlett following as we raced through the corridors trying to avoid Filch. 

When we were closer to the Slytherin common room, we slowed down our pace and just walked. As we did so, the girls were telling me to just be calm and tell him how I felt and then just let everything flow. 

I truly wasn't ready for this. 

We walked into the common room and they shoved me up the stairs to the boy's dormitories. 

I made it outside of Blaise's dorm, my hand hovering over it, debating whether I should knock or not. 

I'm not really one to make the first move. I'm the one who sits and waits. Like follow the leader. I don't lead. I follow. 

"You've got this. Just say it." I breathed in and out as my knuckles came in contact with the door. 

His Rose. // Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now