translation book.

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Rose Malfoy

When he smiled, my heart jumped out of my chest a bit.

I've missed his smile. It always brightened my day even during the worst times. His smile was always there to help me up.

"How are you?" He asked as I stepped closer to him, setting my bag down and sitting in the chair.

I noticed that he had changed out of his robes and was now wearing sweats like me. I was actually wearing a sweatshirt I had stolen from him last year. He gave it to me as we walked to the Quidditch pitch to watch the Slytherins play. I've kept it since.

"I'm fine" I nod, clasping my hands together.

"You know you can talk to me, right?"

"I know. I just don't want to talk. Its- hard." My voice cracks, thinking of everything.

Mindlessly, my hand comes up to my neck and traces it again. It's a habit at this point. It's trauma.

"Don't," Blaise grabs my hand "Don't trace it. It'll make it worse."

I nod. That's it.

"So what potion should we do?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood again.

"I thought you had an idea." His eyes widen at the fact that none of us have thought about it. I shake my head no "Can you get into that cabinet and grab the 'All Potions' book? Here's the key" He hands me a key and I nod, getting up and crouching down to unlock it.

When it clicks, I slowly open it and see many books.

Shakespeare, school books, any book really.

I pull many out, looking for the one he's talking about and that's when my eyes land on it.

The translation book.

I grab it and stand up, holding it in the air and looking at Blaise as he's writing something on some parchment. "Have you been hiding this, or is it your own copy?"

He looks up and then widens his eyes "Rose, give it to me."

"Why should I?"

He stands up "Because I told you to"

"Do you not want me to find out what you said the other day?" I start to flip through the pages.

'Mi sento cosí tango per te' (I feel so much for you) I repeat in my mind, trying to find it.

"What I want is for you to forget about it" He tries to take the book out of my hands but I pull back and start to walk backward.


"Because I thought you were asleep."

"Why can't you just tell me?"

"Because I can't"


"Because I just can't Rose!" He raises his voice as I hit a bookcase and flinch "I can't tell you because it will ruin everything."

"How would it ruin everything?"

"It just would. Now can you please give me the book and forget about it?"

Why is he acting like this? What does it mean? Why does he not want me to find out?

All of these questions start to race in my mind, thinking of what he means.

Pansy's words then come up.

"You have no idea"

Could it mean...? No.

"Blaise. You need to tell me right now what it means. At the moment I'm putting pieces together and figuring it out without the translation, so if you want me to stop then jus-"

His hands are on my face, his nose touching mine, our mouths a breath apart.

"Just stop thinking. Stop adding it all together. That's all you do is add and add and add."

The temptation is there. His lips are right there. Just another inch and were touching each other in the way that I've wanted to since July.

His eyes are darting from my lips to my eyes, the tension rising. I drop the book and rest my hands on his waist as his are still on my face.

He's right there.

"Blaise" I breathe out "It's all added up. I'm just waiting for yo-"

Lips on lips, space is closed.

My hands move to his neck as I wrap my arms around him, pulling him as close as I can. His hands go down to my hips and then under my thighs, lifting me up so that I can wrap my legs around his torso, which I gladly did.

He takes me over to the table, not once breaking apart, and he sets me on it. His lips trail down my jaw and to my neck.

This kiss is deeper than the last one. This is a kiss of longing and need.

Blaise nips at my neck, making me moan. "Blaise" my hands rest on his shoulders as I crane my head to the side "This- this can't-"

He stops, bringing his eye line to me. A frown is on his features. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't ha-"

"Hey. Hey. You totally should have." I cup his face "I- It's just-"

"We need to work on the project" He clears his throat and backs away, catching his breath. "We don't have much time left."


And so we worked on the project.

The whole time that we worked though, I thought of his lips. I thought of the softness and how I couldn't get any closer to him even though I wanted to. The way that his lips moved against mine in perfect sync. The way that everything felt perfect.

But then I had to ruin it.

All I wanted to know was what he had said. What the translation to his words were. That's it. It's all I wanted.

Could he feel the same? Is that why he kissed me? Is that what he said? Am i thinking to far into this?

Draco cannot know.

After about two hours, we were close to being done. Only two more pages of parchment to write on about our potion but that was it.

"I'll do the rest later and then we can turn it in early so that we don't have to present it," He said, stacking up the papers and placing them in his bag.

As he stood up, so did I. While he was doing his own thing, I quickly walked over to where I had dropped the book and picked it up, hiding it from him.

"I- I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast then. Yeah?" I stuttered, still trying to calm myself down from what happened earlier.

"Yeah." That was all he said as he turned and walked away.

I wanted to run after him. I wanted to pull him back to me and kiss him once again. I wanted to tell him how I felt.

But I didn't.

I let him go.

His Rose. // Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now