zoned out.

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Rose Malfoy

As I sat in potions class, my head rested in my hand as I stared off into space again.

I've been doing that a lot lately. Zoning out and forgetting what I'm doing or where I am. By the time I come out of my own world, everything is different.

Like now.

The hardcover book slammed shut next to me, pulling me back into my true reality. I looked around and noticed the students piling out of the classroom and Blaise standing up next to me.

"What time do you want to meet?" He asked, diverting his eyes from mine.

"I'm sorry, I was zoned out all of class. Meet for what?" I asked, truly clueless.

Blaise scoffed and rolled his eyes "Stop daydreaming about your boyfriend and pay attention in class, please. I won't give you the answers all the time, Malfoy" And he walked out.

A pain hit my heart, not sure what it was but as soon as Blaise assumed what I was thinking about and him calling me by my last name instead of my first, that was when the pain hit.

I wasn't thinking about my boyfriend. I don't even have a boyfriend!

I was thinking of his brown eyes and what it would look like to look into them as he made me come undone for him.

Woah... Where did that come from?

The last time I had a sexual fantasy about Blaise was in fifth year when I slept with Seamus Finnigan. That was the only time I really remember finishing.

I don't know what it was. While Seamus was on top of me, I closed my eyes and that's when Blaises face popped up into my mind and that's when my head started to spin...that's when I fell apart for someone who didn't even think of me in that way.

"She's doing it again," Scarlett said.

"Definitely thinking of riding him" Pansy tried to say secretly but I looked at them as we walked down the hall.

"You've been doing that a lot. Going into your own zone. Wha-" Before Scarlett could finish, an arm that was not my brothers or Blaises, rested itself onto my shoulders.

"Hello, love" Theo smiled down at me as I pushed his arm away and turned in front of him, shooing my friends off "You said yes"

"Yes. Because you asked me out for a Butterbeer, not a hookup" I smiled at him as he started to glare down at me. "We will see where things go, but don't get your hopes" I patted his shoulder and turned, walking away with a satisfied smile on my face.

I never really stand up for myself so I guess I am changing this year.


Sitting with the others at the Slytherin table, I sat next to Blaise once again, thighs touching again.

Astoria and Draco were official and I was happy. Draco deserved her. She was beautiful and had such a genuine soul. If she didn't have ambition for things or cunning when she needed to be, then surely she would be a Ravenclaw or even a Hufflepuff. She was very smart and nice. Someone perfect for my brother.

But to my brother, no one was good enough for me.

What if I was to tell Draco about Blaise? Would he think he was good enough?

Nothing was going on but I wanted to shoot my shot so bad. But Draco was absentmindedly holding me back. I was scared of his possessiveness over me. It was a good type though. Brotherly love.

All I really wanted was to have Blaise hover his lips over my ear, just like Pansy does to Scarlett, and whisper sweet and loving things. I wanted to have his hand in mine as we walked the corridors together to all of our classes. I wanted his hand to rest on my thigh at meals and rub circles on my skin with his thumb, squeezing my thigh as his rin-

"Malfoy" I looked up, wondering if someone was calling me or my brother.

Blaise looked right at me waiting for a response and there was that pain again. The sting as he used my last name and not my first.

The way that my first name rolled off his tongue made my insides quiver, wanting him to- nevermind.

"I'm sorry what?"

He rolled his eyes and looked away "Back of the library at eight. Don't be late" And then he stood up and left, not looking at me again.

He was being weird.

He never acted this way and I truly did not like it.

"What's that about?" Draco rested both of his elbows on the table as he looked at me, waiting for an answer.

"Potion project" I put on a Hufflepuff smile but it was fake and Scarlett noticed.

"Not that. Whys he acting that way?" He paused, looking at me with another question in his eyes and he didn't want to ask it but he did anyway "Are you two a thing? Did you guys hook up? I swear Rose, if he hu-" Draco stood up, me following his actions.

Pansy stopped her eating and looked at Scarlett, Astoria backed up, knowing exactly what was about to happen. I sighed.

Another scene.

"No, Draco!" I raised my voice "We are not a thing, we did not hook up-"

*cough* "yet" *cough*

Pansy let out, low enough so that my brother didn't hear.

"And everyone knows that Blaise could never hurt someone. It's not in his nature. He's in a mood." I furrowed my brows, sighing again.

I was thankful that this outburst wasn't as bad as they normally are. Most times they're really bad and we start to hex each other.

It's always about a boy. A guy who wants me and according to Draco, only for my body.

Like Theo. I'm pretty sure that Draco doesn't know about him yet, or else we would be in a duel.

"Now if you'll excuse me... I'd like to go" I huffed and stormed out of the great hall, heading to my dorm.

What the fuck was up Blaise's ass? I know I'm distant but I don't want him to know of my feelings.

Did he find out about my feelings and was treating me this way so that they would go away?

His Rose. // Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now