Tom - The Doctor's Return

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  • Dedicated to Carly

        "No, no, no!  Why aren't you working?!" the Doctor whined in frustration.  In desperation, he starts pushing buttons and pulling levers, but nothing seemed to satisfy him.  From around the corner, a woman with short, wavy hair comes to his aid.

        "Did you ever think there was a reason why it wants us to stay?"  With an exasperated yell, he faces her.

        "Delilah, if I want to fly out of here, I will find a way to do it, now shut up and help me!"  He goes back to studying the screens, whereas Delilah folds her arms.

        "Are you sure this is more than just the Tardis?"

        "You're not pressing buttons, why not?"

        "Doctor," she says rather firmly, and he relunctantly rasies his head.  "There's something on your mind."  He turns back down to the panel and starts messing with more levers.  "There's something bothering you, don't you dare ignore me or tell me there isn't."

        The Doctor remains silent, and before his companion can berate him, the Tardis rocks, something hard slamming into it.  They both look at the screens.

        "We're being invaded.  Fantastic."  The Doctor cringes at her last word before he goes to the lower floor, sonic screwdriver in hand.

        "Just help me, will you?"  He's acting strange lately, she thinks to herself as she makes her way down the stairs.  The two work in silence, and after five minutes, the Tardis is functioning like normal.  In time, they beat the Daleks that were attacking them.

        "Where are we going to now?" Delilah asks, the Doctor pulling a switch to send them off.  He doesn't reply.  Once the Tardis lands, Delilah runs to the doors, and she's greeted by her house in the year 3000.  With widened eyes and a crushed spirit, she slowly turns back to the Doctor.

        "You're letting me go?"

        "Yes."  She fought back the tears in her eyes.

        "Did I do something wrong?"


        "Then why?"

        "It's just time."  Delilah looks down at her feet, allowing a few tears to fall to the floor then looks back at his empty eyes.

        "Do you do this with all your companions?"


        "Why?"  The Doctor doesn't say anything.  She takes a deep breath.

        "Can I ask two quick things?"  The Doctor nods.  "Why did we avoid the years (your birth year) to (two hundred years after your birth year)?"

        The Doctor stands in silence, fiddling with another lever.  Delilah's eyes fill with more remorse.

        "Okay then, what was the hardest decision you ever had to make."

        "Sacrificing my planets to destroy the Daleks."

        Delilah shakes her head.  "No, that's not it."

        The Doctor snaps his head back at her.  "What do you mean, 'That's not it?'  Of course it is!"

        "No, now you talk about it like it’s nothing, it just slips off your tongue and you don’t even cringe...not like the way you did when I said 'fantastic.'" The Doctor flinches, and Delilah points her finger at him. "See! There you go again!"

Tom Hiddleston and Loki Imagines - Bk. 1Where stories live. Discover now