Chapter 14:

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A/N: Buckle up people for some laughs and emotional stuff.


Neo: So the tick says "get this dog boy off my butt!"

Hooty: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! You are so funny!!

The guardian of the Owl House laughed loudly. While Neo waited for Luz and Eda, he made small talk with Hooty.

Neo: That's why I don't do enlargement spells anymore.

Hooty: Eda tried that once! She tried making gold bigger, but make King big instead!!

He said with a laugh as said wannabe tyrant grumbled.

King: And I was having so much fun!

Neo: Look at me, being 103 years and still looking great.

He said, admiring himself in the mirror.

"I'll say!"

Looking over, he saw Luz and Eda walk over. They had small bags on their backs to prepare for the training.

Neo: It took me learning the most dangerous spell ever. "The Holy Grail Spell."

Luz: Wait, the Holy Grail existed here?!

Eda: It's where it originated. And I gotta say, wish I could have that spell on myself.

She said, looking at her grey hair.

Neo: Do it correctly, and you gain eternal life. Do it wrong, you die instantly.

Luz shivered in fear of that.

Luz: Yikes... I can see why it's that dangerous...

Eda: Hence the fear of it.

Yami: It's also partially how that emperor lived for so long.

Neo: I performed it on my 21st birthday

Luz snapped her fingers.

Luz: I thought you looked that young!

Neo chuckled good-naturally at that, holding up Orion while Yami rested on his shoulders.

Neo: So, when are my disciples hunting?

Eda and Luz stood straight.

Eda: Right now!

Luz: Yeah! Let's do it!!

A Bit Later:

Neo: So what are we hunting for?

Eda and Luz hummed as they sat around a camp fire. They were in the middle of the forest at night.

Luz: I honestly don't know.

Eda: I guess just find whoever speaks to us.

Yami: Choose wisely girls, we aren't so easily befriended.

Neo: Or train.

The 2 nodded firmly while looking around.

Luz: So~, do we just walk around the forest till we find someone?

Eda: Sounds like it.

Neo: Be careful.

They nodded as they went their separate ways. Eda went to the right and Luz to the left.

Neo watched the 2 leave, looking at Yami for advice.

Yami: They'll be fine, don't worry. I am curious as to what they'll end up with.

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