Chapter 9:

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A/N: Heads up, me and my friend have very harsh feelings for Lilith after what she did, so sorry if it seems like we're bashing a possible redeeming character.


After another bit of talking, the group split up again. Though Eda stayed talking with Neo as they continued walking around.

Neo: Things sure have changed.

Eda sighed as she looked at all the people joining different Covens and having their magic sealed.

Eda: They really have, and not for the better.

Neo: I despise Covens.

Eda: You and me both.

She said while patting his back comfortingly.

Neo: I'm tempted to start doing blood magic.

Eda(whispering): Do it!

She want to see it for both the chaos and seeing her mentor do more magic.

Neo shakes his left hand continuously.

As they walked, many people froze in place, their bodies stopping dead cold, those next to those freezing, they stared in shock at how they stopped.

They doubled over in pain.

Random People: AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Those who fell over screamed in pain from their bodies feeling pierced by thousands of needles at once!

Neo: Meat puppets.

Eda whistled as the people doubles over in pain and others helping them were scared and confused as to what caused it.

Eda: Dang, they just went down like bricks!

Neo: If I wanted to I could've ripped the blood right out of their bodies.

Eda shivered at the mental image.

Eda: Yeah~... let's... not see that...

She said nervously as Neo admired her body and her wild mane of hair.

Neo: You're very fuzzy and soft.

Eda blushed with a small smile as she fiddled with the edge of her dress.

Eda: T-thanks, t-that means a lot c-coming form you...

Neo: I'm just a guy being nice to a cute lady.

Eda giggles like a school girl being complimented by her crush, which wasn't far off.

?: Edalyn?

That voice made the Owl Lady stop giggling and look over to see the woman from earlier.

Eda(thinking): Oh great...

Neo turns to where the voice came from.

Just a couple feet away from them was a woman's Eda's height with long, straight, black hair. She wore a standard Emperor's Coven robe and was as pale as Eda.

She was busy signing autographs when she saw Eda.

Eda: Lilith...

The woman, Lilith, walked over to Eda with a straight back and smile.

Neo: Dyed roots.

Eda lightly giggled at that while Lilith raised a brow.

Lilith: Ah, I thought that was you. Still hiding from the law I see.

Eda: Still a suck-up I see. Fun fact, she wet her bed when we were kids.

She said that to the kids around Lilith's skirt. They laughed loudly as Lilith lightly blushed.

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