Chapter 15:

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A/N: WARNING: This chapter includes VERY dark elements that can be very uncomfortable for a majority audience.


"Dust with a wide stroke. Doing it so close just pushes the dust around."

"I know how to dust."

Merlin and Eda went back and forth at her stand. After settling in with their familiars, Eda, Luz, and Neo brought their small friends do the stand.

Neo: How long has it been since I've been forgotten Eda?

He asked, relaxing in a pile as a makeshift seat. Yami rested on his head while Luz, Frost, and King rested on the ground.

Eda: To me, you were never forgotten.

She said gently to him, holding his shoulder.

Neo looks to the side and sees something in the dust.

Neo: Well it seems my father missed a place that I had a big impact on.

Luz: Eda right?

She asked, sitting up from her spot on the ground, playing cards.

Frost: Full house!

King: We're playing Go-Fish!

Neo stands up, everyone staring.

Neo: Come on everyone, I wanna show you something.


Neo: Did you know as part of royal family I was also commander of the army?

Luz: Seriously?

She asked as she held King while Frost sat in her head. Eda stood next to her with Merlin using her hair as a nest.

Eda: I didn't know that, was it before you became public?

Neo: After and known all through during the War of The Isles.

He said seriously as the familiars and Eda shivered in fear. Luz was left confused why everyone acted like this. Sure a war was never good thing, but wondered what happened.

Luz: What happened?

Marlin: Dark times Luz, for the entire Isles.

Eda: The place and its citizens.

Neo: I became a prisoner of war, but I spit in my abductor's faces.

Yami: Dang straight.

He said proudly as Luz and Eda became very worried.

Eda: Oh Titan...

Luz: Oh God... how-wait, don't answer if it's too hard!

She said, not wishing to force Neo to relive more painful memories.

Neo Don't worry I got my revenge see

Neo Don't worry I got my revenge see

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