Chapter 4:

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A/N: Dang, I'm updating this faster than most of my other stories!!


Luz was conflicted, on one hand her human side loved the rain..

But~... on the other, the rain was like boiling grease, aptly named Boiling Rain.

Not to mention cats don't like none drinking water.

Stuff like rain is like a natural spray bottle from the sky, one that she hated!

So she was hissing at the window, batting at the glass with her teeth bared.

King was sitting on her head, hissing at the rain as well.

King: Vile rain, you shall not have us!!

Eda watched, amused, from the side.

A large figure came walking to the house

Eda, Luz, and King stared as a shielded figure walked in, thankfully protected from the Boiling Rain.

Eda was immediately on guard.

Eda: Who are you?!

The shield went down, revealing a grinning and amused Neo.

Neo: Hey girls, what's up?

Luz: Neo!

Luz was now rubbing against his legs as Eda hastily put her staff down.

Eda: O-oh, Neo!! So sorry, didn't know it was you!

King: This is that Neo guy you 2 are so obsessed with?

Neo leaned down with a smile, being an inch from King's skull head.

Neo: Well hello there fuzzy! What are you supposed to be?

King: I am the King Of Demons!! You shall all fear me!!

It was hard for him to sound serious with how adorable he looked, standing on Luz's back as the girl rubbed against Neo's legs.

Neo: Didn't now Hell cats still existed, they were endangered when I was a kid.

King: I am not a Hell cat!!!

He cutely stomped his foot against Luz's back as Eda smiled.

Eda: Believe me, I checked, he's not a Hell Cat, he's something else.

Neo nodded as he gazed outside at the fields, the ground sizzling from the burning rain.

Neo: Whew, this rain huh? And just as I was playing the world's smallest violin.

Luz: Really?

Neo reaches out his hand, showing the small instrument.

Neo reaches out his hand, showing the small instrument

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Luz: Huh, didn't know that existed here. I expected something more deadly and somehow alive.

Eda: Well you're not too far off.

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