Chapter 24:

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A/N: Some fluff and surprises.


After the quick laugh on Amity making an ice statue of Luz, the group went back to training with Neo watching over them.

Neo: You all look adorable in fur.

While also having fun with the snow, waving it all around them like coats.

Eda: Yeah, the only time I've been in fur is because of... you know...

She said, dusting herself off as Luz giggled herself from how it looked on her, making face.

Luz: Check it out Amity, I'm a lion! Rawr~!!

She said while doing a mock impression, making the Blight girl laugh at the sight, even if she didn't know what a lion was.

Neo: You know my class had a field trip up here once and I stole the girls coats.

He said with a grin, Eda blushing as she gripped her coat.

Eda: O-oh...

She said, backing away, not wanting to be in the snow without her coat, the young kids busy having their fun in the snow.

Neo secretly tossed a rock off the cliff, hitting something.


Neo: Was that me or you?

He asked, the group looking at each other.

Eda: Wasn't me.

Amity: Was that you Luz, another impression?

She asked as the cat girl shook her head, the snow falling off her head.

Em: Um, should we be worried?

Ed: Because I'm getting worried!

Neo: Oh then that's the Slither Beast... Um, run.

He said simply, their eyes shooting open.


Edric screaming as he ran away, the rest soon following.


Amity: Luz, stay close!!

Luz: Got it!!

She said, scooping the girl in her arms, Amity instantly going bright red in her arms.

Neo watched the scene play out.

Neo: I wonder how long it'll take for them to remember they have magic.

He thought out loud as they continued running, the Slither Beast right behind them.


And it was angry at them.



Luz: What usually calms it down!?

She asked, looking back and seeing the running beast coming right after them.

Neo drank more of his tea.

It was amusing seeing them run and try and figure out what to do.

Em: Shhh~!

She said, the group all pressing their backs against a random rock, the beast sniffing behind it. Though what was amusing was how Luz had her back and arms against the wall, so Amity didn't have anyone holding her up.

So she kept herself up.

A Bit Later:

Neo: This is taking longer than expected.

He said with a bored tone having watched the group scramble to get away from it.

The results?

They were now all captured by the beast, bound to the wall by it's saliva, unable to move.

Luz: Okay, what's the plan?

She asked, having been forced face to face with Amity, who looked ready to faint by the attention.

Eda: Well I was gonna escape while it's busy eating the twins.

She said, Edric and Emira looking shocked hearing that bold claim.

Neo: Whistle~! Come here boy, come here!

He whistled loudly, the beast standing straighter as it followed the sound of his voice, racing over.


She shouted with worry, watching the beast run over and-


-Lick his face?

Neo: Who's a good boy!?

He asked as he scratched it's belly.

The beast panted happily while on it's back, feeling his hands scratch all over, enjoying it greatly.


The group left confused on what's happening.

Eda: Hey, Neo, what's happening!?

Neo: Chompy here used to be my pet.

He said, patting the side of his pet's head.

Ed/Em/Eda: PET!?

They shouted in surprise at the claim as Luz is left confused.

Luz: Chompy?

Mainly with the name choice.

Neo: Yes and he remembers me.

He said with a smile, hugging the side of the furry beast, who grumbled lowly at his touch.

Eda: Oh great, well your pet tried to eat us!

Em: With you trying to sacrifice us!

Luz: Um, think Chompy can release us?

She asked, wondering if the numbness in her arms are from the slime or how Amity was near her, pressing against it.

Neo:Chompy, let them go.

He ordered, the beast giving him a whiney growl of sadness, looking forward to getting some food.

But a quick glare made him concede.


Neo gave him a piece of meat after, the beast gladly enjoying it.

Neo: Um guys, your pants tore.

He pointed out, the group standing straighter.

Group: WHAT!?!?

They shouted, looking down and seeing their pants in tatters, either from being set free of the slime or the slime itself.


They screamed as they tried to hide themselves.

Neo laughed at the sight, petting the side of his pet's head.

Neo: Good boy Chompy.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed!

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