Chapter 29:

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A/N: Some new teacher and more of spicy interactions~.



Neo enjoyed a drink as he walked through the school.

With Luz in class, surely ecstatic for being so high in school already and Eda having left for understandable reasons.

And I quote;

"I'm not staying another minute in an idea sapping, biased draining, and overall boring waste of time for anyone!"

He continued until he spotted something or rather someone.

Peaking through to an empty classroom, he saw a large cauldron being used with various items being thrown in and someone mixing them.

"Hm hmmm hmm hmm hmm~!"

A woman humming as she continued moving.

Neo walked inside with a grin.

Neo: Why hello teacher~


Turning around, the person in the classroom, working on the potion, was revealed to be a younger woman. She had long, pale blue hair that shined in the light, a large brimmed black hat on her head, and some gold headwear. A set of gold horns poked out of the sides of her head with a dirty white robe over her body and uncovered shoulders.


Revealing her nearly bare J-Cup breasts, the only cover a set of seashells.

(Anyone who knows this character can easily tell while I didn't include the entirety of her body

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(Anyone who knows this character can easily tell while I didn't include the entirety of her body.)

Neo: You don't remember your best student?

He asked with a grin towards her, the woman's eyes shooting open and hands covering her mouth.

Woman: Oh my goodness, NEO!!


She shouted before racing over and hugging him tightly with a wide smile on her face.

Neo: Hey teacher.

He hugged back, feeling and hearing her giggle when hearing that.

Woman: Aw, don't need to call me teacher anymore, you've long since graduated.

She said while ending it and looking in his eyes.

Woman: Just call me Yamraiha.

Neo: So have you heard my daughter got accepted?

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